Chapter 17

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I walked into the tattoo shop with Niall following behind me. We made sure to be covered up fully and keep our heads down so no one knew we would be together. No one else was in the shop, besides the workers, and for that I was thankful. Being a small town, I wouldn't be surprised if these people knew Niall from before his fame, but either way we'd be known in some way.

The bells rang on the door and everyone looked at us to see who had come for a tattoo. When we took off our hoods, everyone's mouths dropped at who had come to their shop. Half of the band One Direction. 

"Hello boys. What can I do for you" a man in his thirties asked. He had an arm full of tattoos, more than what I have, and his hair was long and plaited behind him. 

"Well I'm after a tattoo. My friend here is here for support" Niall laughed.

"Mate, you don't need support with all your tattoos" I shrugged. "Have you decided what you want yet?" 

"Yeah. I want '28' tattooed on my fingers" everyone looked at me oddly. "Not the first random tattoo I've gotten, now who's gonna do it?" I smiled. 

Three tattoo artists looked at each other, after a moment of debate, a young female with tattoos covering most her body said she would. She lead me to the back room and I sat in the chair. She showed me different fonts I could have and then I told her where I wanted the numbers imprinted on my body. She seemed concerned for why I wanted these numbers but didn't say anything as she got to work. 

It hurt more than I thought it would but it wasn't anything I couldn't take. Niall just sat on a chair near me looking at his phone, lip bitten in concentration as he scrolled and tapped the screen madly with his fingers. 

"So. What brings you two boys down here?" the lady made conversation. Her voice was strong and thick with the Irish accent, since I was in Ireland it made sense. 

"We're on break and I thought I'd come visit my friend while we had some spare time" I spoke, Niall looked up from his phone. "We're heading back to London in a few days spend some time there before we get back to work" she nodded and wiped off the excess ink off my skin. 

It wasn't long and she had finished the tattoo. I looked at it and smiled. It was great. My skin was red and puffy, but that always happens. I stood up and went to Niall showing him the finished product. He smiled and stood up, taking my hand in his. 

"I want a tattoo" my mouth opened slightly. "I know what I want and I want it now before I back out of it. You just have to promise you'll stay with me and hold my hand" he said nervously. I nodded. 

"Of course. I would never leave you" he smiled sheepishly. "What do you want to get?" 

"I want a four leaf clover on my wrist" he said and pointed to his wrist. "I represents my heritage as an Irishman, and well, each petal is one of us" he sounded adorable explaining why he wanted the tattoo of a four leaf clover and it brought a smile to my face. 

"Sounds great. Do you have time to do another?" she nodded. "Great come on" Niall walked over nervously and sat on the chair. I sat next to him and took his hand. He squeezed it tightly, so tight I could feel my hand getting sore. 

The lady got set up with the colours she needed and the gun. She started it up and Niall turned to face me and scrunched up his face. He was regretting it I could tell.

"Is he okay?" the lady hadn't even started his tattoo yet. 

"He's not good with needles" I informed. Niall took a deep breath and told her to continue. She nodded and went on with her job. Niall tensed and gripped my hand tightly again. "Its okay Ni" I spoke calmingly. 

The Next Morning //Nouis// boyxboy ✅Where stories live. Discover now