Bonus Chapter (Harry's POV)

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A/N for getting me to 10k reads. Cause its a bonus I'll update properly tomorrow night

I paced the hallway of the hospital, my phone to my ear as I awaited for the answer on the other end. Charlotte and I had been experiencing some difficulties over the past few months. She was finishing school and now she was becoming famous, just like her brother, but for completely different reasons. Her make-up. She had been getting calls to do make-up for celebrities for tours and fashion shoots and was leaving me behind. Things honestly started to go downhill after the pregnancy scare. It seemed fine, but underneath, it wasn't. 

"Harry? It's early, what's wrong?" I looked at my watch, it wasn't that early back home, unless she was somewhere else. 

"A guy can't call his girlfriend?" I asked a little bitterly. She had been turning a little sour lately and I hoped it was just her hormones and not anything to do with me or the fact her fame was inclining incredibly fast. 

"That's not what I meant" she sighed heavily. "You just... Hardly ever call without warning or planning" she had a point. With busy schedules and all that, we had to plan in advance for a decent phone call.

"I know I'm sorry. We just, we had to cancel a show and I thought I'd call you" I admitted, running a hand through my short hair. It was still quite odd having it so short, but I didn't mind, I liked it short anyway. 

"Why did you have to cancel?" she questioned curiously. That was probably a mistake, I knew it should be Louis to tell his family what happened and not me, but the time he gets around to it, they would already know from the news.

"Louis's in hospital, he uh, he fainted" I was the worst friend in the world. "He's not well"

"What? And no one said anything? How long has he been there?" she was frantic and I don't blame her, I would be the same if I found out Gemma was in hospital. 

"It just happened, a few hours ago. He's okay now, Niall's talking to him" I bit my lip, that probably wasn't the right thing to do now I think about it. But they needed to talk. 

"What's wrong with him? Why did he just collapse?" my heart raced in my chest, hopefully Louis wouldn't be too upset I told them what I got told. I mean, they had to know right?

"He hasn't been eating and drinking enough. It got so bad he collapsed on stage. They're keeping him in for a few days to keep an eye on him" it was quiet, awkward silence is never a good thing. "Are you okay?" she sighed heavily. 

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, he's alright, right?" I agreed. "I should let mum know before she sees it online. Thanks for telling me Harry" 

I could sense she was going to hang up, but I didn't want her too just yet. I wanted to hear her beautiful voice and hear her laugh. I just wanted to keep her on for as long as possible because who knows when I'll see her again.

"Lottie" I spoke quickly. "When do you think we can see each other again?" 

"I don't know Harry. I've got a busy schedule. You know what it's like" I sighed heavily, I did know, and it was awful. 

"The tour finishes soon, how about I fly down and we can spend some time together" I just needed to be next to her again. It's felt like a lifetime. "If you're going somewhere, I'll fly there. Come on Lottie, this can't work if we can't see each other every once in a while"

I heard her sigh. "Harry, I'll be busy most of the day, you realise that" I shook my head. Sometimes I wondered why I tried this with her, she's young and she shouldn't be with me, tying her down maybe getting ready to settle down with someone. 

"Wouldn't you like to come back to me at the end of the day? Be able to sit and talk about your day?" I questioned. "Just because I want to spend time with you, doesn't mean it has to be 24 hours a day. I'd greatly wait for you to come back and then we could have dinner, watch a movie. Anything" 

"You really know the way to a girl's heart Harry Styles" I could imagine a smirk on those perfect lips, the one I wanted to kiss so badly. "Let me know when you're getting off tour, I'll let you know where I am" 

"Of course baby. Have a good day. I'll keep you updated on Lou" 

"Thanks Harry. I love you" I smiled, surely a blush on my cheeks. I couldn't help it, she was just so wonderful.

"Love you too" we ended the call and I pocketed my phone. Niall should surely be done with his chat with Louis. If it was anything like their previous chat. 

I walked back down to Louis's room, seeing Niall walk out, his face heartbroken. Things obviously didn't go to plan. He faced the wall next to Louis's room door and put his hand on the smooth surface.

"I still love you" he whispered. I frowned. These two need each other, more than they realise. Louis was a wreck before Niall came into his life as more than a friend, and since their breakup, he's gone back to old habits. 

Niall, he seems okay, but he's really not. He's broken. Deep inside he is, I can see it in his eyes. How he always watches our older friend, how he perks up whenever he speaks but closes down when he realises it's nothing to concern him. 

I would love to lock them in a room together and make them sort things out. That would be a wonderful idea I'll keep in mind. 


Lottie walked into our hotel room in New York. We had been here two days and Lottie was working on make-up for a fashion show. I would wander out and explore then come back to be here when she returns from her busy day. I'd always have dinner ready, because she doesn't finish to late and never has time for a proper lunch. 

She walked over to me, black circles under her eyes and dumped her bag on the ground carelessly. 

"How was your day?" I walked up to her, pecking her lips before returning to the food cooking away. 

"Tiring" she groaned. I easily picked her up and sat her on the counter. "My feet are aching" she groaned, reaching to undo the straps of her high heels. How girls stand to walk in them all day blows my mind. 

"How would you like a foot rub later? Maybe a bath?" I spoke a little suggestively. I stepped up to her, putting my hands on her hips, leaning forward for a kiss. I couldn't help but want a little action, it had been ages since we've done anything together. All I've had was my hand, and that's not all that pleasing when you have someone to actually do the deed with. 

"That bath sounds great" she smirked. "Maybe you can join me, give me a back rub?" I pulled her hips into mine, and kissed her. I felt a little gasp come out when she felt the tent in my pants brush over her area.

"Someone getting excited over the bath?" she rose an eyebrow. "How about we move to the bedroom, then you and me can take that bath?" 

And I was all for that plan. I picked her up, throwing her over one shoulder, and carried her to the large bedroom. I still don't believe she's used to all this nice stuff. The big rooms, fancy decor. I still wasn't. I put her on the bed, and smiled lovingly. 

"Are you still taking the pill?" I asked softly. Since our scare, we decided it was best if she went on some form of contraceptive herself. I would still be wearing a condom, but it was security incase we forgot one or the condom broke.

"Yeah, we're good" I smiled and nodded. 

"Good. I've missed you so much" she giggled. 

"As have I" 

And our night went to plan. A round in bed before we took it to the bathroom for some relaxing then I plated up dinner, just some chicken and vegetables I picked up earlier. Then we sat down and watched Love Actually on the couch in each other's arms. 

I could see a future with Lottie. I don't want to scare her away though. She's still so young. But I wanted this to go long term. I didn't want to stop this when it got too much. I wanted to work out every little thing that was wrong. One day I will have to confess this to her. But for now I think it's best to let things go unsaid.

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