Chapter 26

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"I'm so pumped" I cheered as I ran down the hallway. My energy high from the concert.

"I can see that" Niall laughed at me. Liam, Harry and Lottie all behind me with Niall.

"That show was incredible" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, and nothing extreme had happened. I just felt like dancing around the hotel from the high I felt.

"What's got you so happy?" Harry questioned. I honestly couldn't answer him. But maybe it was just from the concert and Niall, just the way he looked at me like I was something wonderful.

"I don't know. I'm just full of energy" Niall laughed. We all walked into our rooms, I waited a few moments before sneaking across to Niall's.

He was waiting for me behind his door and immediately wrapped his arms around my body, pushing me into the door, kissing me roughly.

"Wanna use some of that energy?" He asked huskily in my ear. It sent a chill down my spine. I just nodded and allowed him to pull me to his room where we tried not to be too loud to be heard by our neighbouring bandmates.


We awoke the next morning and I felt drained. All of my energy had left my body and left me feeling achy, it probably had to do with the fact that I rode Niall last night. I had never ridden anyone before that night and I must say its quite a work out.

Niall was already up and making himself a drink in the next room when I walked out in my clothes from last night. I really should have brought a spare pair of clothes to change into the next morning, but I just wanted to be with Niall. Feel his arms around me, his lips on mine.

"Morning" he smiled warmly. "I made you a tea" I smiled and joined him at the counter where two mugs sat. "Just the way you like it"

"You're too good to me" I pecked his lips. "I've been thinking"

"What have you been thinking?"

"Let's tell them. Today. Right now. I want them to know we're together, so we don't have to hide anymore." Niall smiled even wider.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. I have never been so sure in my life.

Ignoring the tea Niall made me, I dragged him out of his room and next door to Harry's. I didn't even bother to knock. Why should it matter we never do. I walked in with a smile on my face and Niall in tow.

Then the colour drained from my face at the scene before me. There sitting on the counter was my sister, and in front of her between her legs was Harry. Her arms around his neck and lips connected. I was in shock, I couldn't believe it. My best friend and my sister were dating and they didn't tell me. I couldn't tell if I was mad because they didn't tell me or because my brotherly instincts were kicking in over someone being with my sister.

"What the fuck?" I shouted. Harry pulled back and faced me, his eyes wide and so were Lottie's. She was even in his clothes, and the thoughts that came to my head were turning me insanely overprotective.

"Louis let me explain" Harry pleaded. I was sure steam would be coming out my ears if this were a cartoon.

"What the fuck is going on?" I shouted. "Why the fuck are you kissing my sister? Why the fuck are you in his clothes?" I was fuming, I was seeing red. I couldn't help myself. I felt betrayed. "Is this who you've been texting non stop? Harry?"

"Yes, Louis. But just listen. We like each other-" I didn't listen.

"I can't believe you'd do that to me"

The Next Morning //Nouis// boyxboy ✅Where stories live. Discover now