Christmas without Dylan.. or so I thought(Dylan)

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Today is Christmas. But this Christmas, I don't think I would enjoy it much. My boyfriend, Dylan, is shooting a movie called The Scorch Trials. And he wont be here for Christmas. My friend, y/f/n (means your friend's name)and her family are here with me.

"I promise you are going to LOVE your present!" y/f/n said

"Yeah, but I want Dylan home for Christmas." I said

"He will be home soon." She said

"I know" I said

"Come on, let's go open presents!"

We went to the Christmas tree, and opened presents. Everyone loved their presents.

"Ok! Are you ready for your present from me?" y/f/n asked you

"Sure!" You said

"Wait here.." She said

you waited with the rest of her family.

"We're back!!" She said

'Wait, we?' I thought to myself.

I looked at her and she was standing there with Dylan. I stood up, with tears in my eyes. He had a goofy smile on his face. I ran to his arms and he spun me around.

"I missed you" I said, hugging him.

"I missed you too!" Dylan said

We pulled away.

"How did you get here?" I asked him.

"All thanks to Y/F/N.. She asked me if I could come home for the holidays and I asked the producers and they said yes." Dylan said

"Thanks Y/F/N." I said

"No problem, it's the least I could do for you!" She said, smiling.

"OH! I have a present for you, y/n. " Dylan said

" you didn't have to get me anything."

"But I wanted to." He said, with a goofy smile.

Just then, a puppy came running in and came to me. I gasped.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Dylan said with his arm open wide.

I picked up the puppy and hugged it.

"I got you a puppy so when I'm not home, you wouldn't be lonely.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Dylan." I said

"No problem" He said

I looked at the puppy and admired it.

"What is the name?" Dylan asked

"hmm.. I was thinking about naming it Stiles." I said, smiling.

"stiles? hmm... I like it.." He said, chuckling.

Me, Dylan, and 'Stiles' went to the living room where everyone else was and enjoyed the rest of the Christmas day.

There is a Christmas Dylan imagine for all of you guys! Hope you love it! And I just find the picture at the top so adorable! Cause it is a picture of the cutest thing in the world holding the cutest thing in the world! So hope you liked it and see ya soon! TOODLES! ~Maris

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