Kidnapped (Stiles)

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Requested by: MaimoonaHyder7
You will be kidnapped like how they kidnapped Liam in the bathtub. :)




That's all I saw.

Suddenly, I woke up.

"Scott please tell you didn't" A voice said from behind the shower curtain.

The shower curtain was opened and I looked at my kidnappers. I got a good look at them and my eye went over to the one wearing a flannel and jeans. I have to say he's cute. But that's not the point here! I was kidnapped now I'm in a friggin' bathtub!

I looked at them with fearful eyes and I noticed my mouth was covered with a piece of duck tape and I was tied up with rope.

"We are going to take the tape off your mouth and you have to promise not to scream." The one with puppy eyes said.

I nodded and he took the tape off. I flinched and rose my eyebrow.

"Okay, first off, why did you kidnap me and second of all.. OW!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Ooh feisty me likey." Flannel guy said.

Puppy eyes and I looked at him and I rolled my eyes.

"Stiles! Not now." Puppy eyes said.

"Are you guys gonna cut the rope or will I have to do it?" They looked at me in disbelief not believing I would be able to break the rope.

"How--", Flannel started, but I untied the rope before he could finish and stood up, "oh.." He finished.

"How did you?" Puppy eyes said.

"The rope wasn't tied well enough.." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

They looked at me surprised and I followed them to a room.

They started to talk and I was sitting in a chair. I learned that puppy eyes' name was Scott and flannel Guy's name was Stiles.

Hmm... Stiles is a cute name for a cute guy.


"Sooooo... When can I go home?" I asked,awkwardly.

"You can go home now if you promise not to tell anyone?" Scott said.

"Pinky promise!" I said.


The next day at school went by normally.

Whenever Stiles was near me, my heart would beat so fast, he might have heard it. I caught him sneaking glances at me a few times in class.

One day we started to hang out and started to know each other.

Eventually we started dating.. Huh.. Who knew that I would fall in love with my kidnapper?


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