Drunk (Stiles and Stuart)

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Stiles and you were friends for as long as you could remember. And only because of Stiles you tolerate Stuart, even though he is such an asshole. There were many times you told the older twin to tune it down a little but Stuart would never listen to you. Instead he made fun of you. Of your hair colour, your make-up, clothes even about your height. You didn't let that make you feel down because you didn't care about what he said but you cared about how he treated Stiles.
You were invited to one of Lydia's parties but you were a little late. When you finally arrived there was an awkward silence between the party-goers and you could only hear one person speak and you knew exactly who it was. You hurried and the closer you got the clearer his words became.
Stuart: "It's your fault! /You/ were too much for her to handle! You killed her! You killed my mom! And as if taking my mom from me wasn't enough, you also stole my face! I wish you would have died instead!"
It was obvious Stuart had a few drinks too much but that wasn't a good excuse for the awful words he spoke towards his little brother. Stiles only stood there, stared at his older twin brother. He swallowed hard, clearly fighting back the tears but he didn't say anything.
Stuart (growling): "Say something, dammit! I hate you so much!"
But instead of saying something, Stiles turned around and hurried to get away. You were quick to follow the younger twin and after a couple of minutes you finally managed to catch up to Stiles.
Y/N: "Stiles! Wait!"
He didn't wait. Instead he walked faster until he was running. Luckily you managed to outrun him. You ran in front of him and took a hold of his shoulders. His face was wet from tears and he averted his eyes.
Y/N: "He does /not/ mean it, Stiles! He is drunk! I guess alcohol makes him even more of an asshole. But he doesn't mean it. And you know why? Because it's not your fault! It's no ones fault! And you know that, Stiles!"
Stiles licked his lips and swallowed still not looking at you.
Y/N: "Stiles.."
Stiles (nodding his head weakly): "I-I... know.. but.."
Y/N: "It hurts. I know, I think. Hearing this from your twin must be.. horrible. I can't even imagine how awful this must feel but I am telling you he doesn't mean it. He is just drunk."
Stiles: "I am not so sure.."
Y/N: "I will talk to him. But please don't think it's your fault."
When Stiles wouldn't respond you cupped his face and gently forced him to look at you.
Y/N: "Say it. Say: 'It's not my fault'. Stiles. Please, say it."
Stiles took a moment and a few deep breath before slowly nodding his head.
Stiles (weakly): "It's.. I-it's not.. my fault."
Y/N (softly smiling): "Great! Now.. say it again. Come one, Stiles. I know you can do it."
Stiles: "It's not.. my fault."
You nodded your head and gave him a warm smile before pulling him into a tight hug. You felt his arms wrapping around you and how he hid his face in the crook of your neck.
Stiles: "It's not my fault. My mom's death.. It's not my fault."
Y/N: "True that. Now let me go kill your brother."
You ended the hug and turned around to have a nice little 'talk' with Stuart when Stiles took a hold of your upper arm and gently pulled you back.
Stiles: "Don't kill him. Just.. torture him a little, okay?"
Y/N (chuckling): "You got it."
Stiles: "I am.. going home now. Enough embarrassment and display of feelings in public for today."
Y/N: "Sure. Be careful on your way home. And please give me a call as soon as you got home, okay?"
Stiles: "I will. And Y/N? ... Thank you."
You gave him another warm smile and he left, giving you a wave of his hand. The smile vanished as Stiles turned around a corner. You stormed back to the party and grabbed Stuart by his collar. He was so surprised that he stared at you in shock. The rest of the party-goers went inside the house. They seemed to have enough of Stuart and left him by himself.
Stuart (slurring): "H-hey~ The dwarf is bac-.."
Y/N (cutting him off): "Shut your hole!"
Stuart gulped and stared into your angry eyes, knowing he should shut up for once in his life.
Y/N: "Do you have any idea what you just did?!"
Stuart: "Uhh... I.. was.. dancing?"
Y/N: "I swear to god if you're playing dumb with me, you /will/ lose a few teeth."
You spoke between gritted teeth and showed him your clenched fist, causing him to swallow.
Stuart (stammering): "I-I.. I am not sure! I.. everything.. is a.. blur and I feel.. soo dizzy."
You exhaled, knowing he was horribly drunk and that this talk wouldn't go anywhere now. You let go of him and he stumbled a few steps away from you but you grabbed his sleeve.
Y/N: "Oh no. You're not going anywhere. Give me your phone."
You extended your arm towards him so that he could place his phone into your palm. At first Stuart gave you a weird look but after you gave him a death glare he placed his phone on your hand and you put it into your pocket. Then you took his glasses off too and placed them on top of your head which earned you another weird look from Stuart but he didn't dare to say something about it or try to take them back.
Y/N: "Such a good boy. We don't want your precious phone to get all wet now, am I right?"
Stuart (frowning): "What do.. you mea- ah!"
Before he was able to finish his sentence you pushed him into the pool. The water surely was rather cold and should help him sober up. And if not.. It was at least funny to see him like that. He yelped and brushed his now wet hair out of his face. He gave you an insecure look as if he was asking if it was alright with you that he came back out of the pool now. You slowly nodded your head and he got back out of the pool, slowly approaching you.
Y/N: "Feeling a little more sober?"
You offered him a towel that was laying on one of the chairs and he took it, drying his face. After his face was dry you placed his glasses back on his nose, which he immediately fixed a little.
Y/N: "Do you remember now what you did?"
Stuart seemed to think about your words and after a short moment, he slowly nodded his head and his eyes widened a little.
Stuart: "Shit! I.. I didn't mean it.."
Y/N: "That's what I told him, too. And you're going home now, just like he did a few minutes ago. And you will apologise to him. You will /beg/ him for his forgiveness, otherwise I will be forced to hurt you. Very badly. Are we clear?"
Stuart: "Crystal clear."
Y/N: "Good. Now go."
Stuart: "Alright. Hey uhm.. I.. I wish.. I wish I had a friend.. standing up for me like you do with Stiles. I.. envy him because of that."
Y/N (giving him a wink): "Now that's something I will remind you everyday from now on. The 'better Stilinski' envies his little brother because of his friends."
Stuart: "Yeah.. Uhm.. goodbye. And.. have a safe way home later."
Y/N: "I will. Good night."
But Stuart didn't leave. He remained at his spot beside you and looked at you, obviously he wanted to say something but was too afraid to do it.
Y/N (sighing): "What?"
Stuart: "Y-you.. uh.. you still have umm.. m-my.. phone.."
Y/N: "Sharp as always, aren't you? Well, you'll get it back as soon as Stiles confirmed you begging for his forgiveness."
Stuart: "You'll.. keep it a few days even if I do it as soon as I am home, huh?"
Y/N (smirking): "Depends on your behaviour~ See you, Stewie."
He bit his lower lip roughly, hating this nickname to death but didn't dare to say something about it. Instead he muttered a low "Goodbye" and left.


Credit on this imagine goes to @canyouimaginethis on Tumblr.

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