Unreturned Love (Dylan)

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Requested by _MrsDanielSharman_
Warning: this imagine contains depression and suicide, if it might trigger you, please do not read... thank you! 💕
A/N: I have a list of songs for you to listen to in this imagine.
The Calm Blue Sea by Wolf of the Wild
I Was So Sure by Former Vandal
Paralyzed by NF
.. you can also listen to any sad song you want. :)
Also! Important note at the end!!
I remember that day back then, when he confessed his love for me, but I was a fool. I was too scared to tell him I loved him back.
Then as time passed, he moved on. I see him everyday and I watch as he looks so happy with his girlfriend. He used to be my best friend. But now, I don't think we are.
Let me tell you how it went.
Today Dylan was coming over. He was your best friend since I met him in the sandbox. Over the years, I developed a feeling in him. It was a feeling of love. That's right. I loved my best friend. Like in the relationship type of love. I wanted our relationship to be more than friends.

I heard the front door open.
"Liz, Dyl Pickle has arrived!"
I chuckled and got up from my bed and went downstairs.
I got down from the last stair and I saw Dylan with his back turned to me.
I smirked and came up with an idea.
I backed up and ran to jump on his back.
I landed swiftly as he screamed I n a high pitched voice.
I laughed and kissed his cheek. I saw him blush, but I let it slide.
He chuckled and set me down.
"You always surprise me everyday." He said, smiling.
"Same to you, Dyl Pickle." Dyl Pickle was his nickname that I made up for him when I was little.
We went upstairs to my room and I sat down on my desk chair as he laid down on my bed, tossing a stress ball up from my night stand.
"So what brings you here?" I asked.
He looked at me and I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach. Yes I liked my best friend, but I can't let him know. It might ruin our friendship. He might also say no.
Dylan's POV
I looked into her eyes and I felt butterflies in my stomach. My heart started to beat faster. I liked my best friend and I was going to tell her today.
Elizabeth's POV
"I actually came to tell you something." Dylan said, putting the ball down and sitting up from my bed.
"Ok go on." I said, all my attention drawn to him.
"Umm.. I like you." He blurted out.
I sat there, frozen. Not knowing what to say.
"Liz, please say something.." He said.
I didn't know what to say, so I made the biggest mistake of my life. I lied.
"Dylan.. I'm sorry, b-but, I don't like you.." Lie. It felt like my heart was splitting in two. I loved him. I loved him so much it hurt when I rejected him.
The look he had on his face made my heart ache.
He nodded sadly, "ok.. I.. I uh have to go.. goodbye Elizabeth."
He called me by my full name. He's never calls me that.
Tears started to fall from my face and i slumped down on my chair. I heard the front door slam. I got up and went to my window and I saw him get into his car. He slumped down into his car and tears began to fall from his face. He started the car and drove away.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

I went to school this morning and I saw Dylan walking with his girlfriend. I saw him glance at me, but he quickly looked back at his girlfriend and his new friends trailing behind him.
Since that day, we haven't talked. He got new friends and a girlfriend. I have gotten depressed, alone, and bullied. I got bullied by this squad of girls that have been jealous of me. Turns out they liked Dylan but they saw me as an obstacle.
So when Dylan and I stopped being friends, they started to make fun of me and bully me. They even started rumors to the point where my whole entire school judged me.
I have gotten used to it. I started cutting myself a few months ago. It helped ease my pain and depression. It was like when I sliced my skin, it would let the depression, sadness, and loneliness smoke out.
I pulled my sleeve down and kept walking to my locker to put my things away, until one of the girls that bullied me knocked my books down onto the floor. I bent down to pick them up, but she kicked it away, farther from me.
A crowd started to gather around us .
"Jenna, please stop." I said, standing up.
Jenna laughed at me, "You're useless, Elizabeth! Do us a favor and kill yourself."
Tears sprang up in my eyes but I didn't dare let them fall.
"Maybe I'll take that offer, Jenna" I said, sadly.
She smirked in accomplishment, "Now tell me, why?"
I breathed in, "I'm tired of how you treat me. I never did anything to you, but be nice. You've been treating for me like this for months. I am really close to giving up on life. I lost my best friend for some stupid ass mistake I made. My family doesn't even notice how broken I am. I put a smile on everyday, pretending that I am happy, and that nothing is wrong with the world. Jenna, you broke me in many ways to the point where I can't even think. Don't expect me to be here tomorrow. Or any day, even. I hope you have a great life, Jenna." I said, tears falling from my eyes as I looked at everyone around us.
Some were recording, some had regret on their faces, sadness, tears, etc. There was one face that I was hoping I would see on my last day on this earth. I saw Dylan and he looked like he was going to cry, but I didn't care. I walked out of the crowd, took my stuff, and left the school. Thankfully, it was dismissal time.
I got into my car and drove out of the school with tears on my face.
I took in the beautiful scenery outside of my car window. The Earth was beautiful, but cruel.
(Play music)
I pulled up into my driveway and ran inside. No one was home to stop me. I went into my room and made a note for everyone that I loved. I was debating whether if I should make a note for Dylan. But I made one anyway. I set them on my bed.
I went into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. Negative thoughts started to pour into my mind.
You're useless.
You're ugly.
Dylan left you.
You're fat.
Kill yourself, bitch.
The world will be better without you.
I screamed in frustration and punched my mirror. I whimpered in pain as pieces of glass got stuck in my knuckle, but I didn't care.
I took out my favorite razor and started cutting my arm. I watched as blood seeped or from the cuts. I stopped cutting when my vision started to get dizzy. I got out multiple pills and placed random amounts into my hands. I looked at them and I remembered the happy moments in my life that I will be leaving behind to the people that have been in them. Most of them were with Dylan.
I took a deep breath in and threw the pills into my mouth. I put water in a cup and swallowed that with the pills. I cringed at how bitter the pills tasted.
My eyesight started to fade as my heartbeat slowed down.Before I passed out, I heard someone's voice. Then I fell down.
Dylan's POV
After Elizabeth gave that confession to Jenna and everyone in the crowd, I felt how sad and depressed she was.
Liz and I had this thing where we could feel what the other was feeling when we needed each other the most. It was like we were destined to be together. I left the crowd and went to go find Brooke, my girlfriend. I found her in a janitor's closet sucking off a jock's face off. I ended things with her as soon as I saw it and left.
I left the school and drove to Elizabeth's house. I needed to get there in time before she ended her life. I wound never get to see her beautiful eyes, hair, smile, her everything ever again.
I burst through her front doors and I heard commotion upstairs. I ran up the stairs and I saw her bedroom door cracked open. I saw notes sitting on her bed, but I didn't pay attention to them. I heard coughing from her bathroom.
"ELIZABETH! OPEN THE DOOR!" She didn't answer, instead I heard a thud.
I broke the door down and I saw a razor with fresh blood on it and pills scattered everywhere. I saw Elizabeth's body on the floor. I kneeled down and put my ear to her chest. She was still breathing, but faintly. I had 911 on speed dial so I called them. I explained, "I found my best friend's body on her bathroom with a razor with fresh blood on it and pills scattered on the floor! Please get here fast!" I said, tears falling down my face.
"I sent the alert to the team! Do anything you can to keep her breathing! The team will be there along with an ambulance." The operator said.
"Okay thank you..." I said, then I hung up.
The police got here in three minutes since Elizabeth lived close to the police station. I heard them walk through the front door.
"Anyone in here?" I heard an officer ask.
"Up here!" I yelled out.
I was making sure Elizabeth's heartbeat was beating. It was beating but slowly fading away. They soon made it into her bathroom and o backed up to let the paramedics take her to the ambulance.
I tried to go into the ambulance with her, but they said, "Family only." I went to her bed and picked up the notes.
I saw one note labeled with my name on it. My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. I opened it and it said,
'Dear Dylan,
You probably hate me right now since I committed suicide and since I rejected you when you confessed to me. To be honest, I love you. Like in a relationship way. When you said you liked me, I couldn't say it back because I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. Instead when I said no, it ruined our friendship anyway. I have been getting bullied and it pushed me to the edge. I know you heard my confession to Jenna, so did the whole school. I hope you have a great life with Brooke. You guys seemed happy with each other. If I wasn't so scared back then, I would've said that I liked you too. But I honestly didn't like you, I loved you, Dylan. I hope you move on and have a great life. Remember I love you, Dyl Pickle.
Tears fell from my face as I sobbed. I got up and went to my car. I drove to the hospital and asked the nurse in the front desk where Elizabeth's room was.
"Room 251" She said, with sympathy in her eyes as she saw that I have been crying.
I rushed to her room and the doctors let me in.
I saw her face and my heart still fluttered when I saw her. She looked beautiful as ever.
I sat down in the chair next to her bed and held her hand.
2 hours later..
I was awoken by Elizabeth's hand twitching. She was waking up! I saw her eyes flutter open and she smiled as she saw my face.
"Dylan" she whispered.
"Hey..." I said.
"I'm sorry.." She said, with tears threatening to fall.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. You were depressed and lonely. I should've been there for you.. I should've kept in contact with you.."
"Dylan it's okay." She said, sitting up.
"No! Liz I love you, and when I saw your body slowly dying on your bathroom floor, I was starting to lose my freaking mind!" I exclaimed.
"Dylan.. what about Brooke?" She asked.
"I broke things off with her when I saw her sucking a jock's face off in the janitor's closet." I said, looking at her.
Elizabeth's POV
Dylan and I were looking at each other and I slowly felt myself getting pulled to him. It was like we were magnets. I was pulled out of my trance when our lips were against each other's. I felt sparks and butterflies. His hand went up to my face and I felt tingles. My heart was beating really fast, you can hear it on the monitor. Dylan pulled away and laughed when he heard my heartbeat speed up.
"I affect you that much?" He asked, surprised.
I smiled, "yeah." I blushed.
He smiled and kissed me again.
"Will you be mine?" He asked, when he pulled away.
I smiled, "yes!" I said.
"There's that beautiful smile I know and love!" He said.
I laughed, "you're crazy!"
"Only for you.." He smirked.
I smiled and kissed him again.


This imagine was sad and happy. Now let's talk about the Suicide part. If any of you have thought about doing it, please don't! If anyone is bullying you, for let their harsh words get to you. Their horrible actions aren't worth you're time and attention. If you need anyone to talk to, you can talk to me. I may be an Imagines writer but I am also your friend. I truly care for each and everyone one of you! I have experienced loneliness and depression before, but it gets better. I know it doesn't get better for everyone, but if it doesn't ET better for you, just know that there is hope somewhere in this cruel world we live in. Just know I love you.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now