Hi I'm Dylan

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Requested by jordan-shaw01
I am SO sorry for this being being VERY late. Hope you enjoy!
Y/F/N means your friend's name.

You and Dylan met at a Mets game.


My friend and I were giving our tickets to the lady at the front of the Mets game and she let us in.

"Why do I have to be here Y/N?" Y/F/N groaned.

"Because the Mets are awesome and you need to watch." I said, smirking.

I found a seat for both of us to sit in, "Come on, let's sit here."

We both sat down and got comfortable for the game.

I looked to my left and saw a cute guy sitting next to me. He had dark brown hair, cute little moles, and a perfect jawline. Wait, stop it Y/N, just focus on the game, you might not even know the guy.

A player from the Mets team scored a home run and I stood up and cheered.
The guy beside me did the same.

I looked at him and smiled he smiled back.

We sat down and he said, "Hi, I'm Dylan."

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I said, smiling.

We started talking and we learned more about each other.

Suddenly, the kiss cam was pointed to us. We noticed and blushed.

"We don't have to if you don't want to..." He said, blushing.

"Let's do it. Give the people something to cheer about." I said.

We leaned in and kissed and the crowd cheered and whistled.

We pulled away and smiled.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" He asked. Realizing what he said, he started blushing and ranting.

"Oh.. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, but it would be great if you said yes and--" I cut him off.

"Dylan, I would love to go out with you sometime.." I said, smiling from ear to ear.

He let out a breath. "Whew, that would be great. I thought you would say no, but there is no problem in that, but--" I cut him off by putting my lips on his. He kissed back and I could feel him smiling into the kiss.

"Ooooo, get some!" Y/F/N yelled out.

But you ignored her and kissed Dylan.

You and Dylan got married and few years later.... :)

I hope you enjoyed it jordan-shaw01 :) -Maris😘💕

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