Don't Hide, You're Beautiful (Stiles)

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Requested by SourSciles
It's been five weeks since Allison died. She was my sister, my best friend. Lydia and I took her death the worst. We were very close to Allison, and the fact that I watched her die was the worst feeling ever. I couldn't do anything about it. As she fell into Scott's arms, I knew she didn't have much time before she leaves the cruel world we live in.
I was fighting off one of the Oni, while Allison was fighting the other. As the Oni died, I looked behind me and saw Allison smile in accomplishment as she killed one of the Oni. I noticed that one of the Oni was creeping up behind her. My eyes widened, "ALLISON!", I yelled. She turned around, but I was too late to help her. The Oni already drove his sword trough her stomach. I watched as her eyes widened and she began to fall. Lydia's banshee scream let me know that Allison was dying.
Scott came out from the fence and caught her. Tears were falling from my eyes. She said her words to Scott, I walked up to them and kneeled beside her.
She looked at me and held my hand. "Nikita, you were the best sister I could have ever asked for. Know that I love you. Tell dad I love him too. Tell Lydia that I l-love her and thank her for being my best friend. Promise me t-that you will find l-love and h-happiness. Don't blame y-yourself for my death. I-I love you, my sister." She said her last words to me and I felt as her hand fell limp in mine, and that's when I lost it. All my tears fell and I was was sobbing over her body.
I didn't notice Stiles and Lydia coming out from the gates. Lydia set Stiles down on a wall to rest, and she came over to me, and tried to comfort me.
I tried my best to tell her what Allison told me to tell her. "Allison told me to tell you t-that she loves you and to thank you for being her best friend." Lydia and I were sobbing. My dad came running through the entrance and he saw Allison. I know he tried his best not to cry.
Today was Allison's funeral day. That morning, I couldn't find myself to get up because it was the day we had to say goodbye to Allison forever.
Anyways, I got up and went to my closet and pulled out my outfit for her funeral. I did my best to make myself look like I have been crying, even though I'm pretty sure I have no more tears left. As I finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror, and all I felt was sadness. I remembered all the times Allison and I would get ready for dates. Even though most of them were Allison going on the date with Scott. I never had a boyfriend, she would always try to set me up with Stiles.
Speaking of Stiles. He was one of my best friends. We would always watch Star Wars together and I would never get tired of it. We would always make Scott watch it. But after Allison died, we lost contact and haven't spoken since.

My dad told me he was going back to France. He asked me if I wanted to go, but I said I didn't want to. I'll be staying in Beacon Hills to keep Allison's destiny going on. I didn't want her memory to die off.
I drove to the funeral and Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Kira, and the whole entire pack was there, along with their parents and some other people. I had to give a speech for her.

"Allison was the greatest sister I could have ever asked for. She was my best friend. Whenever I was sad, she would always cheer me up. We would always help each other whenever we need it, even when we didn't need help. She was a caring and loving person. She never hated anyone. She always looked for the best in everyone. When she died, I felt sad and alone. But then I remembered what she told me. She told me to find happiness and love. She told me to not blame myself for her death. As we continue to find happiness again, she will always be with us. Never forget that. Thank you."
I said, trying to hold my tears in.
Everyone had tears in their eyes, some were emotionless.
I sat in a chair, alone, watching Allison's body in her casket, as the wind lightly blew against my face. I felt Stiles sit beside me, and it was silent. But it was a comfortable silence.

It was time to put her underground and I didn't want to say goodbye.
I watched as they closed her casket and slowly lowered her into the 6 foot hole that she will be resting in forever.
Everyone got a chance to put the first on her casket and we threw her favorite flowers in. The shovel came to me and I filled it with dirt. I was handed a flower and I threw the first in with sadness and sorrow. Then I threw the flower in. I whispered, "I love you" to her.

The funeral service ended and I went to the empty place I call home. It was only me in that house. I walked past her room and I went in it. It still looked like the way she left it. It even smelled like her. She kept all her weapons in her closet or under her bed. I went to her bed and i saw a note, it read, "Dear Nikita, I wrote this before we went to fight the Oni and the Nogitsune. I don't know if I made it out alive or not. But if I didn't, I want you to have all my weapons and my bow. Remember all those times where I taught you how to use my bow, guns, and knives? Well now is the time where you can use them. Remember I love you and I'll always be watching over you.
I set the note back on her bed, and took her weapons and put them on her bed.
I heard the doorbell ring and I went to open it.
It was Stiles. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messed up. He was wearing his usual flannel and jeans.
"Hey Nikita, may I come in?"
I nodded and moved out of the way to let him in.
"May I help you Stiles?" I asked him, quietly.
"Yeah, um, I actually came here to ask you something. "
"Ok lets go to my room." I said, walking up the stairs.
He followed me up the stairs and into my room.
"What did you want to ask me?" I asked him.
"Well. I don't know if this is the right time to ask you this. But well we have know each other for a while now, and I just have this feeling that I can't get rid of whenever I think of you. And I tried to figure it out, until I finally did. I found out that I loved you, and I was wondering.. would you be my girlfriend? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to and-" I cut him off.
"Stiles! To be honest, whenever I'm near you, I feel these butterflies in my stomach and I've had this feeling whenever I was around you. I found out that I loved you. So yes I will be your girlfriend." I said, smiling.
He smiled and picked me up, twirling me around.
I laughed and hid my face in his shoulder.
He set me down, "Don't hide, you're beautiful."
I looked at him and leaned in.
He leaned in and we kissed.
I felt fireworks and butterflies.
"I love you, Nikita Argent" Stiles said.
I smiled,"I love you too, Stiles Stilinski."
Allison's POV
I smiled from the doorway as I watched Stiles and Nikita confess their love for each other. I have been waiting for so long for them to get together. I just found out that they are meant to be soulmates because the gods above told me. I walked into my room and saw my weapons on the bed. I quickly wrote another note.
When I was finished, a bright light shined above me, then I was taken into the gates of Heaven. Before I left, I whispered, "I love you Nikita." Then I was gone.

Nikita's POV
Stiles and I walked into Allison's room and I saw a note that wasn't there before.
I picked it up and it said,
"Dear Nikita,
Looks like you and Stiles finally got together. After months of me waiting, you're together! Oh yeah, I was there when you guys got together by the way! I'm so happy for you! The gods above told me that you two were meant to be soulmates! So I hope you find happiness and love with him! I love you, Nikita! Always remember that! See you soon! I love you!
Allison "
Tears started to form in my eyes and Stiles hugged me.
"Allison was here." I said.
Stiles smiled at me.
"She always will be here." He said.

I cried tears of sadness and happiness while writing this.

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