Truth (Stiles)

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This is part 2 to Lie.


A couple months later


Lydia and Kira have been trying to help me get over Stiles these past few months.

Luckily, today was the day that I would get back on my feet and move on.

Of course, I still love Stiles, but I can't mope around forever.

I got up and got dressed and drove to school.

Once I got out of my car, I was met with Kira and Lydia.

They both smiled at me and we walked into the school together.

As I walked in, I saw Stiles at his locker, talking to Scott, and he looked like a mess.

He glanced at me, but I looked away.

"Come on" Lydia said as she linked our arms together, the same for Kira.

We walked to our next class and I felt Stiles' eyes burning into my skull.

I ignored it and kept listening to Coach yelling at Greenburg.


After school, I got a text from Stiles.

Stiles: hey.. Can I talk to you after school? Can we meet by the lake at the preserve?

I texted back.

Me: uh.. Sure...


After school, I went to the preserve and I saw Stiles' jeep already there. He was leaning next to it.

Once he saw me, he got up and walked over to me.

"Hey" he said.

I looked at him and got a close look at his face.

He had a frown on his lips and his eyes had dark circles under them and his hair is messed up. He looks like he has been crying.

I nodded and we walked in silence to the lake.

"So.. I want to talk.. About what happened." He said, looking down.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked him.

He was quiet for a while.

"I never wanted to hurt you.. The thing that happened between Malia and I.. It meant nothing to me. I have been a mess these past few months. I have been telling myself that I don't deserve you.. You deserve someone better..."

"Stiles.. I lo--" he cut me off.

"No.. Y/N if you want to move on, you can.. I'll.. I'll be fine.. I--"


"No.. No... You can leave if you want... I won't stop you.. And--"

I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his.

He froze for a second and he seemed to realize what happened. He kissed me back.

I pulled away for air and I looked at him.

I smiled, "Stiles, I have been a wreck these past few months also. Seeing you like this, this morning, made me want to run up to you and hug you. I missed you Stiles. Heck, I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too. But I want to tell you how she kissed me."

I nodded and listened.

"She must have sensed that you were here, so when I was about to walk inside the building, she grabbed me and made me kiss her. You came out of your car just in time to see what happened. I'm sorry for breaking you heart. You don't need to forgive me now." He said.

I knew he was telling the truth and I hugged him.

"I forgive you.." I said, with my eyes closed.

He hugged back and kissed my forehead.

"Are we back together?" He asked.

"If you want to.." I replied, looking at him.

He smiled, "then will you, Y/N L/N, be my girlfriend?"

I smiled back, "Of course"

I went on my tip toes and kissed him, he kissed back and I heard cheers and claps through the trees.

We pulled away and saw the pack standing there. I blushed and buried my head in Stiles' chest.

"Aww" Lydia said.

Stiles put his hands on my back and hugged me.

I looked up and smiled.

I am never letting this boy go.



I hope you enjoyed that part 2!!

I love you all!


Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now