Birthday Proposal (Dylan)

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Requested by Stiles_S_24

The sun light shined through my window curtains and I opened my eyes. I turned over and took my phone off from the charger on my bed stand.

At that moment, I remembered that it was my birthday! I unlocked my phone and checked my messages to see if anyone remembered my birthday. Then I checked my social media for any birthday greetings. None. I couldn't see anyone of them. I just brushed it off and got up to get ready for the day.

I walked over to my bathroom and turned on the lights. I was greeted with cold air, as it tends to get cold because of my tiles in the floor. As I stepped onto the cold tiles, I winced and shivered. I wasn't really expecting that.

Anyways, I continued to brush my teeth and hair,etc. After I finished getting ready, I put on my outfit.
I hummed while trying to find an outfit.

"Hmmm.." I said, focused on my clothes in my closet.

I decided to go with a comfortable, but cute outfit. I slipped on my shoes and went down the stairs. It was so quiet when I got downstairs. From the window outside, I saw none of my family's cars outside. They probably went out. On my birthday. Without me.

Normally on my birthdays, everyone is downstairs with a special breakfast and some cake. Everyone would be talking or busy eating. I felt sadness grow, but I pushed it away. Think of positive thoughts and feelings not negative. I will make this birthday a great birthday!! I proceeded to make myself some waffles and chopped up some fruit. That was part of the special birthday breakfast, but if I made all of it, I don't think I could've ate it all by myself. The plates made a small clatter as I sat them down on the island. The TV was close enough to be seen from the island. I put Supernatural on Netflix as I ate my breakfast. My phone still hadn't lit up to show me a notification. I was starting to think that everyone forgot my birthday.

As I finished up my breakfast, I tried to call Holland, Crystal, Shelley, and Arden, but they weren't answering. I called them one more time, but they didn't answer. Their voice mail messages were the only thing that I could hear.

I tried to call Dylan and Tyler, but they weren't answering either. Tears were building up in my eyes, but I didn't dare let them fall. I'm a strong individual and I will not let that ruin my birthday. Today was the day I was born. I should appreciate that I am alive. So I cleaned up my dishes and went downtown where some of my favorite stores were located. I parked my car in the parking lots at the end of the streets and walked up to the cafe. The smell of coffee instantly hit my nose. I breathed in the smell and smiled.

I went up to the counter and ordered my usual order when I come here. The barista that I ordered from was my friend, Emma. She smiled at me, "Hey Mary! Happy birthday!" She gave me a hug across the counter. I smiled and thanked her, silently saying thank you for remembering my birthday in my head.

A few minutes later I heard my name being called for my order. I went up and got my coffee. As I was walking out of the cafe, I saw Dylan and Holland walking across the street, laughing. My heart clenched in sadness. I saw them hug and Dylan kissed Holland's cheek. Dylan looked like he smiled at her. Then they parted ways. I quickly ran to my car and closed my car door. I held onto the steering wheel and let my tears out. I shouldn't be assuming that Dylan was a cheating on me. But what girlfriend wouldn't be worried after seeing their boyfriend get kissed on the cheek by one of their best friends?

I drove home and laid down on my bed and just stayed there for a few hours, just staring at the wall that held pictures of Dylan and I. I soon fell asleep and I didn't wake up until my room was halfway dark. No on had called me at all today. I got up and went to my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and my face was slightly puffy and my hair was all over the place.

The water was warm against my skin as I turned it on. I splashed the water against my face and my skin felt refreshed. Then I combed my hair and fixed it.

Then I heard my phone ding. It was a text from Arden.

'Hey Mary! If you're not busy right now, could you come over to Tyler's house? Tyler just said to use his spare key under the rock! :) Thanks!! P.S. Happy Birthday!!❤🎉🎊'

I smiled as she remembered my birthday. I was getting really close to labeling this as my worst birthday ever, but I still have hope.

I got dressed into a birthday appropriate outfit and put makeup on my face (optional) and made my way to Tyler's house as Arden told me to do.

As I approached his driveway, all I saw was his car and his motorcycle on the driveway. I parked on his driveway and made my way to his porch. I spotted the rock and lifted it up. The key was sitting there waiting to be used. I put it in the key slot and the door clicked. The door opened and it was dark when I got in. I quickly put the key back under the rock and closed the door.

As the door closed, the lights switched on and everyone jumped up. I jumped and my back hit the door.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled.

I looked around and saw everyone from the Teen Wolf cast from all the seasons and my family. So this is where everyone disappeared to.

I saw all of them holding a long poster that said, "Mary, will you make me the happiest man until he world and marry me?"

My eyebrows scrunched up as I read it then Dylan came forward and kneeled on his knee in front of me. Some of them were filming this, some were crying, while Tyler and Shelley were eating chips and crying really loud.

"Mary, we've been together for 4 years and we have gotten to know each other, and in those four years, I have grown to love you and cherish all those times I had to spend with you. I know you saw me kissing Holland's cheek today downtown. It was just a friendly gesture we do in the cast. I did that to thank her for helping me pick out the rings. I'm sorry if I broke your heart, but I love you. I love you so much I can't even describe it. So will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" Dylan said, smiling.

I nodded in tears, "yes! A million times yes!" He slid the ring in my ring finger and he got up to kiss me.

I heard claps and cheers and the loud cries from Tyler and Shelley. I laughed and pulled away from Dylan to hug Tyler and Shelley. They hugged me back.

I smiled.

This day couldn't get any better..

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