The End

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{picture above is a current picture of me}

Hey guys! I guess this is goodbye... :( So ever since the beginning of Season 6B of Teen Wolf, I've noticed that I wasn't as interested in it as I used to be in the past.  You probably have noticed that I haven't been posting any chapters. Well, that's because I lost inspiration and interest and I think it's time to end this imagine book, instead of leaving you guys without a proper goodbye. This isn't the end for my whole entire Wattpad, I'll still go on here and read, comment, vote, etc, but I just won't be posting any chapters or books for a while. I don't know for how long though. So this is goodbye for now and hopefully in the future, I'll write a new book! It was a fun ride with you all and thank you for supporting me through everything through the years, from my Once Upon A Time days to now! I'll make sure to check up on you guys and from now on, please take care of yourself and just know that I love you all and you mean a lot to me! Thank you! See you soon💘


{social media accounts!}
instagram: maris_teodoro
fangirl account for ig: trashymaris
twitter: maris_canthea

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now