It will always be her (Stiles)

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So basically you are Stiles' best friend, apart from Scott, and you have liked him since the sixth grade. :)
Based on the recent episode of Teen Wolf.

Your POV

I was running through the halls of Beacon Hills High, trying to find Stiles. I had a gut feeling he was somewhere in the school.

So, I have liked Stiles since the sixth grade. We met in kindergarten along with Scott and we have been best friends ever since. It was only in sixth grade that I have developed feelings for him. Whenever I was around him, my heart would beat like crazy. But he likes Lydia, so I started to push those feelings away, but last year they just came rushing at me like a storm.

When I found out that Stiles was missing from my life when he was taken by the Ghost Riders, I have been trying to find some ways to get him back. I haven't seen him since he got back.

The banshee scream of Lydia rang through the halls of the school. I covered my ears and winced. It was pretty close to where I was, so I ran to the sound.

My feet led me to the locker room and I slowly walked towards it. I was basically on the wall beside the door.

"I didn't say it back" That sounded like Lydia.

"You don't have to." I know that voice from anywhere. That was Stiles.

I moved myself to the door and I saw Stiles walking over to Lydia and they kissed.

My heart broke and I moved myself on the wall near the door. My hand went up to cover my mouth as my emotions came kicking in.

All I felt was heartbreak, sadness, and regret.

Tears came rushing down my face. I ran as far as my feet could carry me, making sure the couple didn't see me like this.

The door of the girls' bathroom came into my sight, so I ran in there.

I stood in front of the mirror and my face was red with fresh tears coming down.

I washed my face to wash the tears away. The cold water splashed on my face.

I stepped back and I tried to smile. Stiles doesn't know that I liked him. The only people that knew were Scott, Kira, and Allison.

I opened the door of the bathroom and walked out.

I regretted falling in love with Stiles Stilinksi.

This was just a random thought that came into my head today and I figured why not share it with you? I hope you guys liked it! I love you❤️❤️❤️ -Maris😘

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