Immune (Thomas)

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Requested by Glader_Witch_Wolf


The man in the front was reading out the list of people who were not immune to the flare.

As he finished it, I noticed he didn't say my name.

That's when I knew it.

I'm not immune to the flare.

I looked up and Newt looked worried. Thomas was looking at me with tears in his eyes.

Thomas walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged back with tears in my eyes.

"I'm scared Thomas" I said through my tears.

"It's okay.. You're gonna be okay.. I'm gonna be here with you whenever you need me." He said, trying to comfort me.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead.


Newt and I were waiting in the flying ship thing and we heard people outside trying to get in. Newt looked up and grabbed my arm.

"Come on." He said, with his familiar British accent.

Before we could get away the people broke in and pulled Newt and I apart.

I must have hit my head on something because I blacked out..

I woke up in a building filled with Cranks.

Newt woke up and looked at me.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"I don't know" he replied.

We have been there for a while and I feel myself get crazier everyday.

We heard some noise in the front and Thomas and a group came in. Newt and I stood up and looked at them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Newt asked.

I just kept looking at Thomas.

"We're here to get you out." Minho stated.

Newt shook his head.

"We're staying." He said.

Everyone looked at me for my decision.

I nodded, "I'm staying. It's for the best. We can't hurt you guys while we're in here."

They looked at us in disbelief.

I stepped forward to Thomas.

"Thomas.. I love you but.. I don't want to hurt you.. Any of you.. I can feel myself getting crazier each day. I don't know how long until I crack. I love you Thomas. I just don't want to see you getting hurt." I kissed him and stepped back. He had tears in his eyes, but didn't let them fall. He nodded.

"I love you too.." He said.

I smiled, tears building up in my eyes.


A few weeks later, I cracked. I became a crank. But there was a little part of humanity in me. And that was my love for Thomas.

Newt and I were walking around town until we were pulled away from each other again.

My brain didn't make a move to save him, but my body wanted to but my brain was stronger I guess.

I couldn't find Newt and I came across his dead body one day.

The human part of me came out and tears spilled in my eyes. I fell down next to him. Blood was near his face. My eyebrows scrunched together and noticed the blood was fresh. Might be a few hours or so. Anger started to build up on me. I hugged Newt and got up and started walking, hopefully I can find someone.

I don't know why but whenever I go to the Crank side of me and think about Thomas it makes me go back to being human. I find it strange. He is like my anchor, but I can't be near him. I can't hurt him.


I was walking around town as a Crank. I still looked like me. As I walked by, I heard voices in a building. My curiosity got the best of me and I went in the building. It was Thomas and the rest of he group.

Minho was the first to look up and he nudged Thomas.

Thomas looked up at me and happiness was shown on his face, but fell when he noticed my angry expression.

"Do you know what happened to Newt?" I asked darkly.

It surprised Minho and Thomas. I never talked like this. I always talked nicely even when I was mad back then in the Glade.

They were silent for a second. Thomas was the first to talk.

"He told me to. He told me to kill him." He said.


"I don't know. Before we left he gave me a note saying to kill him if he was ever my friend. So I did what he said. The guilt keeps eating away at me."

The human part was fighting it's way out but the crank won.

I growled and attacked the nearest person.

I heard people calling my name, but only one voice caused me to stop. It was Thomas' voice.

I stopped and looked at the guy. He had complete fear in his eyes. I looked at him and let him go.

I accepted back to a wall and put my head in between my legs and started crying.

I felt arms around me, but I paid no attention. I can't believe I just did that.

"Is he okay?" I asked with sadness laced in my voice.

"Yeah he's fine.. Y/N.. I'm sorry about Newt.." I heard.

I looked up as tears streamed down my face. I saw Thomas.

"I don't know what's happening.. One second I'm a Crank the next I'm myself again. Because of one reason." I said.

"What is it?" Thomas asked me.

"Because I think of you. You're like something that pulls me back to being sane."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Well you're safe now. You're with me.." He said.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Thomas" I said, looking at him.

"I love you too, Y/N" he said, looking down at me.


I hope you enjoyed the imagine! It took me like 2 hours but it's fine! I'll try to post your requests, but requests are closed for now.

I love you all!!


Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now