Hospital (Dylan)

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So if you guys didn't know, Dylan recently got injured while filming 'The Death Cure'. So this imagine is based on it. #getbettersoondylan


Your POV
I just got a call that Dylan was in the hospital. I am driving to the hospital right now.

When I got there, I went up to the lady at the front.

"Where is Dylan O'Brien?" I asked

"Room 250" She said, smiling.

I thanked her and went to his room.

Ki Hong, Kaya, Thomas, and the rest of the Maze Runner cast were in his room.

"Dylan has some bruises and scratches.. He hit his head pretty hard and he is in a small coma right now.. The doc said he would wake up soon." Ki Hong said, standing up.

I nodded and they got up to give us some time.

I walked up to Dylan and sat on the chair beside his bed. I held his hand and looked at him. His face has a few scratches. His cheek was pretty bruised.

"Hey Dyl, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I hope you wake up soon. I want to see your beautiful chocolate brown eyes again.. I miss us having crazy pillow fights.." I paused and chuckled, "I love you Dyl, I don't know if I can live without you..." I said, a few tears fell down my face.

I put my head down beside his hand.
His finger twitched and I looked up. His eyes opened up, revealing his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful.." He said, still smiling.

I smiled and hugged him lightly. "Hey Dyl..."

"I heard what you said Y/N.. I miss our crazy pillow fights too.. Maybe we could have one when I heal.. Then maybe we could watch a movie and eat lots of junk food!" Dylan said.

"That would be perfect!" I said, smiling and still hugging him.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at his eyes. He looked at my eyes.

I didn't realize we were both leaning in, until his lips were on mine. We smiled into the kiss. We pulled away and smiled.

"I love you!" I said.

"I love you too Y/N!"Dylan said, smiling widely.

I heard 'awes' and 'OTP!!' from the door. We looked at the door and we saw the cast taking pictures on their phones. Thomas had his hand in his heart and was pretending to fake cry. Ki Hong puckered his lips and laughed.

We both chuckled and looked away from them. Dylan leaned in and so did I, then we kissed again...

Nothing could be more perfect than this moment...

Did you guys like that imagine? Hope you did! To be honest, I was laughing and happy crying while writing this! Comment your thoughts about this imagine! Do any of you have requests? Request one on any of the characters Dylan had! See ya soon!!


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