Forbidden Love (Stiles)

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Requested by andij123


It's not easy being Scott McCall's sister, especially when I'm in love with his best friend, Stiles Stilinski.

I am Andi McCall, sister to Scott McCall. I am
17 years old and hopelessly in love with Stiles Stilinski.

I have found out that he liked me back . But we can't be together because my older brother forbids us to date each other.

Scott and I have known Stiles since the sandbox years. It was just in freshmen year of high school that I have started developing feelings for him. Then in junior year, when I was helping him through a panic attack, I kissed him to help him stop the panic attack. Just after that, he confessed his feelings for me, but we both knew my brother wouldn't approve. So we pushed them away and my feelings came rushing back just this year, senior year.


I was at school and I was taking my school books out of my locker, as Lydia was going on about our outfits. Last night, Lydia unexpectedly came over to my house and started picking out my outfit for today and I was pretty happy with my look.

I closed my locker and looked at her, just as she finished talking.

My eyes spotted Stiles talking to Scott, while flailing his arms around. I giggled and smiled at how adorable he was.

Lydia noticed and smiled, "you totally like him!"

My attention went to her, "what?? No, no I don't..."

"Come on, I know love when I see it!" Lydia replied.

"Okay, I might like him a little, but Scott won't approve of it anyway." I said, still looking at Stiles.

"Then I'll find a way to make Scott approve of it. I think you are cute together, from how similar you guys are. "

"I love you Lydia, but I still think Scott won't approve." I shrugged.

"Don't underestimate my powers." Lydia said, with a sly grin.

I awkwardly and nervously nodded my head, you never know what this girl can do.


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