Christmas with Stiles

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Your POV

I woke up and looked at the clock. It said 7 o'clock. Then I looked at my sleeping boyfriend, Stiles. He was wearing his snowman pajamas. Wait, snowman? Then I remembered.. TODAY'S CHRISTMAS!

I got up and started jumping on the bed. Yelling, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!'' Over and over again.

Stiles woke up and sleepily said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you remember? IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I said, jumping on the bed.

He got up and started jumping on the bed with me yelling, 'ITS CHRISTMAS'.

His dad was standing in the doorway, "Look I know it's Christmas and all, but can ya'll tone it down a bit? A man still needs his sleep."

"Sorry" me and stiles said

"Presents?" Stiles said with a goofy smile.

"Presents." I said, smiling.

We ran downstairs and went to the Christmas tree.

We opened presents and we both loved all of them.

"Ok, I have a special present for you, Y/N." Stiles said

He got up and went to upstairs to get something.

He came back down with a rectangular box.

"Open it." He said

I opened it and it was a bracelet with charms.

It was beautiful.

"Oh Stiles." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Do you like it?" He asked

"Like it? I love it! Thank you!" I said, kissing him.

"Let me tell you what the charms mean."

I gave him the bracelet.

"This one," He said pointing to a ice skate charm, "means our first date we went on, we tried skating but failed miserably and fell down." He said, chuckling.

I laughed.

He told me what the rest of the charms mean.

"and the infinity charm means that I will love you forever until the end.." Stiles said.

I smiled, and kissed him.

"I love it, I will never take it off." I said

"Come on, lets watch a movie." He said

But somewhere in the middle of the movie, I started a pillow fight.

I threw a pillow at stiles and it hit the Christmas lights above him and they fell and he fell down with them. He sat up, with the lights on his head, with a grumpy face. ( like the picture at the top)

I started laughing.

"Come on, help me up." He said, with his hand out.

I took his hand and he pulled me down. (NOBODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN! well stiles already did so yeah..) I landed on top of him. I looked at him and kissed him. we just lied down on the floor. His dad came down and saw the mess we made and us on the floor.


"I don't even want to know.." He said

"Sorry.." we both said

We both got up and went on the couch to cuddle. In the middle of the movie, we both fell asleep.

This was the best Christmas ever..

So there is the Christmas imagine for Stiles! I will be doing some other Christmas imagines soon for the rest of Dylan's characters! So see you all next time! If you have a request comment it or message it to me! Thanks ! -Maris <3

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