Confess (Stiles)

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Requested by vguill2003

Vanessa's POV
I was currently at Lydia's house for a sleepover. Lydia, Allison, and I were confessing about our crushes and it finally came to me.
"Vanessa, it's your turn now. So who's your crush?" Lydia asked me, grinning, eager to know who my crush was. Allison was smiling at me, waiting for me to answer.
"Well uh- I-I uh" I was nervous to tell them who my crush was.
"So..." Allison said.
"Well..ILikeStilesandidontknowifhelikesmebackbecauseheslikeoneofmybestfriendsanditcouldruinourfriendshipandall..." I said, really fast and laughed nervously at the end of my sentence.
The girls had blank expressions on their faces and they blinked, not knowing what I said.
"Can you say that again.. but slowly?" Lydia asked.
"I like Stiles, but I don't know if he likes me back because he's like one of my best friends and it could ruin our friendship and all." I let out the breath I was holding in.
Allison grinned, while Lydia squealed.
"I knew it! I knew it!" She said, while poking Allison.
We all laughed.
"You should tell him how you feel!" Lydia suggested.
"NO! It could ruin our friendship and I don't know if he even likes me back."
"You'll never know until you confess." Allison said.
I grabbed the cookies and started stuffing them in my mouth because I like to eat when I'm nervous.
"Ok, I'll try to confess, but if he says no, bring the ice cream."
"Ok we got you. Now go!" Lydia said, smiling.
"Ok see you guys later." I said.

I left Lydia's house nervously. I got in my car and only one destination was stuck in my head.
Stiles' house.
As I slowly approached his house, my hands started to get sweaty and my heart started to beat really fast.
I parked in the Stilinski driveway and Scott's motorcycle was there.

Stiles' POV
"Dude just go tell her how you feel." Scott said.
"But what if she doesn't feel the same way? It could ruin our friendship." I said, nervously.
"You'll never know until you confess"
I took a deep breath.
"Speaking of Vanessa, she just pulled up onto the driveway." Scott said, using his werewolf abilities.
"Oh god, ok." I said.
"You'll do great, if everything goes bad, give me a call, I'll have Star Wars ready." Scott smiled at me.
"You're the best man." I smiled at him.
We both bro hugged and he left.

Vanessa's POV
I nervously walked up to Stiles' front door. Just as I was about to know, he opened the door.
"Hey Vanessa. W-what are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, you can come here anyt-" I cut Stiles off.
"Stiles. Stiles. Can we.. talk?"
"Uh s-sure come in" He moved out of the way to let me in.

We were in his room, sitting in his bed. It was silent until I spoke.
"Can I tell you something?"
He looked at me, "Sure".
Here it goes.
"Stiles.. I like you and it's okay if you don't like me back, because I understand, and it might be awkward now and-" I didn't get to finish my confession.
He kissed me.
I swear I felt sparks and butterflies when he kissed me. My heart started to beat really fast. He pulled me closer and I ran my hands through his hair.
We pulled away before it could go any farther.
My eyes were wide.
"Vanessa, I like you too." He confessed.
I let out the breath I never knew I was holding in.
"Would you do me the honor, and be my girlfriend?" Stiles asked me.
I smiled, "Yes!"
"Can we also do that again?"
I smiled and leaned in.
Then I felt the sparks and butterflies again.
We pulled away.
"I love you girlfriend."
"I love you too.. boyfriend."



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