Cheater (Stiles)

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Requested by seriouslystilinski

Kelley's POV

I sat in the restaurant, alone. The restaurant that I tried so hard to get in, only for my date to never show u
The waiter came, "Miss, would you like to order?"

The restaurant was almost silent, since almost everyone had left. I could hear the clink of plates.

I shook my head,"No, I'm just going to go.. Thanks anyway." I gave him his tip and left.

Stiles and I were supposed to have a date tonight. Since we haven't had a real date in a while, because of all these supernatural things going on.

He promised me this date, but he didn't show up.

I've know Stiles since I was born. He never breaks promises, unless he has a good reason.

The drive to his house was silent and filled with anger and confusion. It was dark out and I watched the road with caution, because in Beacon Hills you never know when a new supernatural creature would show up.


I pulled up onto his driveway. The sheriff's car wasn't there. He must be working a night shift.

There was also a car on his driveway, it didn't look familiar. On the inside, I was hoping that Scott got a new car.

I looked up to his window and his light was on.

I saw a shirt being thrown. Then his lamp shook, as if his bed was being shaken. I was hoping he was changing his clothes and he tripped on his bed.

The familiar door to his house was getting closer, as I walked to it. I got his house keys that he gave me from my key chain and unlocked the door.

I heard the familiar click, letting me know that the door opened.

The door creaked as I opened it and his house was dark, except for the kitchen lights.

I set my bag down on the table near the door and slowly made my way upstairs.

Halfway up the stairs, I heard a moan.

"Stiles" It sounded like a girl.

Anger began to boil in my veins and I stormed up the rest of the stairs.

I was standing right in front of his bedroom door.

I can hear his bed squeaking, viciously.

I opened the door and saw a girl with brown hair on top of him.

My jaw dropped and I stomped my way over to the girl, grabbed her hair and her shoulder, and pushed her to the side, off of Stiles.

The girl was Malia. My own best friend.

"Kelley! I can expl-" I cut him off.

"Stiles, what the hell?" I shouted.

Malia got up and started dressing herself up in her shirt. The shirt that I saw being thrown.

"Kelley, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to, it just happened. It was an accident. Malia explained, with regret in her eyes.

My eyebrow arched up, fury in my eyes.

"Oh, so you're telling me that what I just witnessed happen, was that you "accidentally" sat on Stiles' dick. Yeah, great explanation." I rolled my eyes.

I turned to Stiles, who was now fully dressed.

"And you, you forgot about our date tonight. I sat in that chair, waiting for you, for three hours. Do you know how humiliating it looked on me? I sat for three hours, waiting, just for my date to never show up." I said, my voice cracking.

His eyes went wide, "oh my god! Kelley, I totally forgot.. I am so sorry about that and all this, I-"

"No! Save it! We're done! Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. And don't breathe on me. I don't want to see you again. I have lost trust in you. Have fun with Malia." I said, asking myself if this was the right thing to do.

I turned and walked out of his room, not saying another word.

I slammed his front door and went to my car.

My hands gripped the steering wheel as tears started falling. I pulled out of his drive way, and made my way to Lydia's house.


It's late at night and I'm thinking do penguins have knees?? 😂

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