Christmas Baby (Dylan)

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Requested by officialrevonweera

Revon's POV
I just found out that I am two months pregnant and Dylan doesn't know yet. I am planning to tell him that I'm pregnant on Christmas.
I got the cast of Teen Wolf to help me with it. Holland came up with an idea that consists of "Prego" sauce and baby clothes. Which I just found out the baby is a boy. Dylan will be so happy.
Christmas Day
Today is Christmas Day and the Teen Wolf cast came over early. Dylan is on the set of The Maze Runner, and he told me that he will be coming home soon.
Holland and I were in the kitchen making the surprise.
"Prego sauce really?" Holland asked with an amused look on her face.
"What? I thought it would be funny." I said.
"Ok... so when will Dylan come home?" Holland asked me.
"He said he'll be home in the afternoon, at about 3pm, they're ending the shooting of the scenes since it's Christmas." I said.
Holland nodded and T-Pose came into the kitchen in only his underwear that said, 'It's a boy!' Written on his behind and a blue bow tie.
"Uhhh... whatcha doing there..?" I asked awkwardly.
"When Dylan comes home, I want to surprise him." He said, smiling.
"Ok." I nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
He left the kitchen and I heard Daniel yell out, "Ugh! Tyler put some clothes on!".
I heard Tyler reply, "why? Not liking the show?".
Holland and I laughed.
"Stop it! No!" Daniel shouted out.
Tyler was probably chasing Daniel around or shoving his butt in his face.
"Ok Revon, we'll put the Prego sauce on the counter and we'll give hints to Dylan that you're pregnant. After that, we'll make him guess what the gender of the baby is, and then we'll give him the clothes." Holland explained.
I nodded, "ok gotcha".
We set the surprise up and told everyone what they needed to do.

When Dylan was on the driveway, everyone got into their places and I sat casually on the couch.
He came in, "Hey baby" He said,tiredly.
I saw that he was starting to develop some bags under his eyes.
I got up and kissed him on the lips and hugged him. "Hey.." We stood like that for a while. I can practically feel Holland fangirling from her spot under the dining table.
"Come on, I have a surprise for you.. it's in the kitchen!" I brought him into the kitchen. Everyone was hid in the kitchen. Our kitchen was pretty big so everyone had enough space to hide.
I brought him to the kitchen counter, where the Prego sauce was sitting.
"Look." He looked at it and he looked back at me, confused.
"Are we having spaghetti for dinner?" He asked, innocently.
"No. I'm prego." I said.
"It's okay baby. I'll still love you even though you are spaghetti sauce." He said, hugging me.
"No Dylan. I'm pregnant. With your child." I said, laughing.
His eyes widened, then he started jumping around.
I saw Daniel recording from the corner of my eye.
I nodded and laughed.
He picked me up and twirled us around,gently.
"Do you know what the gender is?"he asked me after setting me down.
I smiled, "The gender is in that bag." I pointed to the bag on the kitchen table.
He walked over to it, and he took out the baby clothes. They were blue, so that let him know the baby was a boy.
He turned around,"oh my god... IT'S A BOY!"
Everyone jumped up from their hiding spots.
T-Pose jumped onto the counter and started dancing when Daniel turned the music on.
Dylan laughed.
"Congratulations dude!" Tyler P yelled out from the counter.
"Thanks man!" Dylan yelled back.

Later, we were opening presents and it came to my turn where I had to open Dylan's present. The box had holes on the side and I grew suspicious.
Dylan was smiling.
I opened the box and a puppy jumped out. It was white and it was fluffy. It started running around and sniffing everyone, trying to get used to the new scenery.
I picked it up and started petting it.
"Aww! Thank you Dylan! I love you!" I spoke the last part to the puppy.
"No problem! I love you too!" He replied.
"Huh? Oh I was taking to the dog."
He blinked and made a 'really' face.
I smiled innocently.
Everyone laughed.

Today was my last day until Winter Break and I am so happy! No more needing to wake up at 5 in the morning!

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