Hate (Dylan)

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warning: TRIGGEEERRR!!! don't read of this might trigger something....

Requested by zombiechick101


The hate.

It never stops.

It just keeps coming and coming..

One day, I got a message on Twitter..

@mccallme: why would an ugly girl like you date someone SO out of your league like Dylan?

@dylansbutt: die you whore

@tates: you're so fat

@|aplha|: stop talking I hate your voice

It kept coming..

I don't know who or what started it..

1 week later....

I was laying down on the bed Dylan and I share... Just staring up into the white ceiling.

It's a good thing Dylan is off filming for a month because I do t want him to see me like this.

My phone got a notification and I didn't care to check it. I knew it has another hate comment.

Eventually, I stopped eating and talking.

I stepped onto the scale. It said 20 pounds..

Good enough...

Maybe I should end it all...


Not.. Yet...


Whenever my friends would come over, they would ask why I'm not talking.. I would just text them saying it's a throat condition thing where I can't talk.

They believed it... But they didn't know the real reason...

I went to the bathroom and got out my trusty blade.

I cut 5 fresh cuts on my arm..


Dylan is coming home today...

I missed him..

"Y/N! I'm home!!"

I ran down the stairs and hugged him..

"Hey.." He said, smiling.

Might as well start talking now or he will suspect things..

"Hey" I said.

"I missed you"


"Are you okay?" He said, looking at me.

No I'm not

"Yeah, I just missed you." I smiled at him.

"Come on, let's have a movie marathon." He said.

I smiled, "sounds good"


Dylan and I were watching Teen Wolf.

We were talking until he looked at my arms.

I noticed and pulled my sleeves down.

"Babe, what happened to your arm?"

"Nothing why?"

"I thought I saw something on it.. Can I see?" Dylan said.

I took a deep breath and gave him my arm.

He saw the cuts and gasped..

"What happened?!" He asked, full of worry.

"Nothing..." I said, mostly like a whisper.

"This doesn't look like nothing.. Baby please tell me.."

"Look at my messages on Twitter..."

He grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. His eyebrows furrowed when he read the messages.

He looked up at me and my eyes were glistening with tears.

He pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Baby don't listen to them. They are just jealous." He said, while rubbing my back.

He took out his phone and started typing on Twitter.

I got a notification that Dylan tweeted.

@dylanobrien: If anyone has any hate towards my girl, @y/n, you should stop. She means a lot to me and I hate seeing her in pain. I love her. If you don't like that, then deal with it. I will never let her go.

I read it and I hugged Dylan.

"Thank you Dylan."

"Promise me you won't cut anymore?"

"I Promise."

"Don't listen to the hate. Okay?"


He kissed my forehead, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too.."


If you are getting bullied, don't keep it a secret. Go talk to someone you trust. If anyone wants to talk about anything, you can message me. Remember there are people that care about you.



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