Chapter 24

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Monique's P.O.V

It been two weeks since Josh last came to the clinic. I was sucked back into my boring routine of going to work coming home making dinner having one worded conversations with Austin as his mind was always elsewhere and worst of all he was ignoring my needs we haven't had sex in a while and each time I attempted to have sex with him he would reply with, "Monique not now", or "I'm tired go to sleep", I am beginning to think he was getting his needs satisfied elsewhere. I returned from work at about 8 and I picked up some Chinese food for us. When I got home, I showered and put on my best red laced lingerie. And I sat on the balcony of our bedroom waiting for him to get home. I see his car enter the drive way. I sit there anticipating him. I left a note on the Chinese food saying come to the bedroom. He climbs out of his car and immediately Carla pops up from nowhere having conversation with him to which he replies happily to and she smile. Gosh this girl irritates me doesn't she have a freaking life!?

I hear him fumble with the locks and the door opens and closes. I hear silence then I hear him open the draw in the kitchen contain silverware and gets a fork and then I hear a pause. My heart beats fast thinking he must have seen my note so I make my way quickly to the bed where I pose sexily awaiting him. I don't hear him climb the stairs but rather I hear the television come on. I sigh and wait, maybe he's hungry. I wait some more for what felt like an hour. Then I sneak to the end of the stairs to find him watching a game.

I sigh head back upstairs and wait some more be patient Monique. I said to myself. I finally hear him climbing the stairs and he heads straight to the shower without looking at me. I sigh defeated but I wait. He comes out and yearns and stretches and say, "Oh hey babe is that outfit for me?" I nod and bite my lips. "Aww too bad I'm sleepy maybe tomorrow." Then he flaps down on the bed and falls asleep and I get changed and I cry myself to sleep.

I head to work the next morning feeling numb and dead inside. I head inside and I say good morning to Angela who doesn't answer must still be upset about me openly asking her to leave my office. Oh well the way I felt at the moment I couldn't care less.

Josh's P.O.V

I was currently getting ready to have dinner with my mom. It was Sunday evening and she wants to see Camille because she hasn't seen her since she came back. I get the feeling mom doesn't just want to see her I sit in the living room waiting. She has been in front of the mirror for about five hours powdering her cheeks and applying lip gloss. "Are you done yet Camille?", she doesn't reply because this is the hundredth time, I've asked her that. "Finished!", she finally yells and I yell, "Finally!" We make our way to the car and we drive over to my Mother's restaurant.

We get there in no time we enter the restaurant it is empty today as usual mom doesn't open on Sundays; she says its family time. For the first time dad won't be joining us and I am sure it affects mom. We enter and mom sets up the table to the far corner so we can talk privately.

Mom greets me with a hug and gives Camille her fake smile. Then we sit down to eat.
"So Josh I was thinking when are you two going to give me some GRAND KIDS?", she puts emphasis on the words grandkids as if to aim it at Camille.
"Mom what are you doing?", I ask while eyeing her suspiciously.
"Nothing son just an innocent question.", then she looks over at Camille. Our food arrives and I am grateful something to occupy my mother. We were having spaghetti and meatballs along with dices lettuce and tomato salad and red wine to finish it all off. I look up and I notice my mom eyeing Camille as if about to say something else.

So, I quickly add, "Food is great mom", she smiles "I am glad you like it son because I know you don't get a home cook meal anywhere else." She again looks at Camille.

"You know Josh I can tolerate a woman who can't have kids because of health problems but not one who goes out and cheats and gets pregnant then aborts it and gets damaged and then secretly gets engaged to my son without my knowledge and after all that she still fools around with her colleagues at work!"

I notice mom pointing all she is saying towards Camille and I start to choke on my spaghetti. Mom hands me some water quickly and Camille slams down her glass on the table and say "I don't have to take this! Let's go Josh!", I sit there looking at her what the hell is mom talking about does she mean Koby?

Mom jumps in and yells, "Oh you didn't know I knew what you were up to? People see and they talk with a little financial encouragement."

Camille gets redder by the minute and yells, "Josh let's go!", and I stay seated. Mom pipes in, "He doesn't want to leave he's having the dinner you couldn't provide leave him be!"

Camille marches off to the exit grabbing her coat out of Simon's hand the coat keeper. Then she slams the doors behind her.
I look up at my mom in shock I had my suspicions but was what mom saying true? I sat and I ate and my mom broke down crying saying she only wanted the best for me and not what happened to her with my dad. I could see that she was deeply hurt and I spent the rest of the evening with her.

I drove home at about 10 pm that night and I found my house dark Camille hadn't returned and I felt a bit guilty for believing my mom without giving her a chance. Besides mom just got her info from someone she paid people will say anything for money. So, I will give Cam the benefit of the doubt. I drove into the garage and locked the door behind me and I showered and sat in the living room to wait up for Cam it got later and later by the second at exactly 1 pm I heard shuffling at the door I got up and yanked it open to see a drunk Camille sitting on the door steps hardly able to knock.

I picked her up to carry her upstairs to get her changed. She started laughing, "Koby? Is that you honey?", she giggles. I get her changed and set her down on the bed. I go tense so she's been with Koby? She begins again, "Oh Koby fuck me fuck me yes Koby fuck me!!!!" I felt my anger rise inside me. I leave the room and I go to the guest room no way I could bare to be near her.

The next morning

I hadn't slept a wink I felt stupid, betrayed and foolish for ever thinking of giving her the benefit of the doubt. I get up and make a bowl of cereal and I eat it while I watch the television.

I hear her struggling down the stairs no doubt she had a hangover. She heads over to the kitchen and gets some pain killers and some orange juice. She takes them then she heads over to me. "Morning honey", and she is about to kiss me but I put my hand up to stop her. She looks offended then she smiles and says, "Someone is a big grumpy this morning. Don't tell me you believe what your crazy mom said about me last night you know she never liked me Josh.", I ignore her my anger level rising by the second. "Josh baby come on", and she reaches out to touch me but I get up and head over to sit on a kitchen stool.

She sighs, "Fine be angry you'll come around soon enough could you drop me off at work though while you're at it?"
"In a hurry to see Koby aren't you, thought you had enough of him last night?", I look at her to see if she would dare lie to me but she plays innocent. "Josh seriously I thought you knew me better than that."
"I thought I did too!!", I shot back.
"Where the fuck were you last night!", she looks shocked at the level of anger in my voice. She stammers, "I I I wasss at at Nicole's", I look at her and glare, "You disgust me! I want you go of this house and out of my life this afternoon I want a divorce!"

"Wait is this because of your mom's accusations?"

"No! You fucking admitted to screwing Koby last night when you were drunk.", I look at her and I can see her trying to come up with a lie to tell me so I continued. "Does this sound familiar? Oh, Koby fuck me yes Koby fuck me!!!", I say it in voice similar to hers. She looks shocked and I begin to climb the stairs and she yells, "Wait! You won't get rid of me that easily I will take everything you have if you divorce me!", I laughed a short humourless laugh, "Let's see you try bitch now get the fuck out!!"

She runs over to the door and slams it behind her.

My anger was over the roof and I felt broken inside so I did the only thing I could go looking for comfort.

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