Chapter 26

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Josh's P.O.V

I decided to go pick up Monique for lunch at the restaurant. I drive to her workplace and it's a thirty minutes' drive from the restaurant. I get there just in time for lunch I enter the building and I notice the receptionist checking me out I greet her with the nod of my head. I head straight to Monique's office in an attempt to get away from her bold eyes. I knock on the door and she tells me enter.

Monique's P.O.V

I worked all morning and I felt extremely exhausted and sat back in my chair and took a look at my phone it was exactly 12. Time for lunch I guess I will have to order in. I was about to dial the number of a Chinese restaurant. When I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!", I yelled. I see the door slowly open revealing none other than Josh dressed in his work attire. I smile immediately at the sight of him well-groomed and rested and absolutely beautiful. He makes his way over to me and pulls me up from my chair into his embrace. He kisses me on top of my head and whispers, "Thank you." I step back from him and look up at him. "Thanks for what?", he blushes for basically giving me a bath putting me to bed, keeping my company, and ensuring I didn't end up drunk on the street side. As he lists all the things I have done, he comes closer and closer to me and I step back each time until I feel my back press against the wall.
"I would like to give you this in return", his voice is husky and I notices his eyes twinkle and he cups my face and press his lips against mine. Involuntarily a moan escapes my lips. "Also...", he begins again, "I would love to take you out to lunch", I blush at this. I smile and placed my hand on his chest, "Now that I can accept", he smiles at this and we head out of my office me on his arm. Angela eyes us enviously, "Anymore messages you would like me to deliver?", she asks faking innocence. I smirk at her and reply, "No thank you as your memory isn't so on point", putting my fingers together to make a small space indicating a point. She glares at me and turns back to her work.

We arrive at Josh's parent's restaurant and we open the antique wooden frame door that had glass in it. As we enter, I am met by Simon the coat keeper. He was an elderly, kind hearted man who was very friendly and I always felt welcome whenever I enter the restaurant and saw him. He smiles at me immediately and I hug him as its been years I haven't seen him. I haven't been back here since high school. "How are you Simon?", he smiles, "I have been good and still strong as ever. I see you're a doctor now." I smile, "Yes I am, feel free to visit me at the clinic where I work anytime, I could get you a discount I am sure Josh could direct you there." I look up at Josh who stand there smiling at us, "OH sure, now come Monique mom is going crazy to see you", I wave my hand at Simon and I am pulled upstairs by Josh.

I get upstairs to what is usually the lounge area where Josh and I often hang out after school. We open the door and head down the hall to the lounge where a table is set up for three and as soon as I get to the table Jenny pops up from nowhere. She literally jumps on me in huge bear hug am startled at first but I hug her back.
"Monique darling!!!", I blush at her greeting. She steps back and looks me over and then hugs me again. "Oh, my little Monique is all grown up!", I blush once more, "How are you Mrs. Harmon.", she gets sad immediately.

Josh is at her side immediately and I stand there confused as to what I have done. She recovers quickly, "Excuse my little emotional moment there and Monique you know you should call me Jenny although I would prefer you call me mom.", She eyes Josh. Then raises her hand in surrender, "Sorry that's a bit too soon for that have a seat you two have a seat.", Josh rushes over and pulls out my chair then sits in the one right next to me.

Not long after we are seated, we see the waiters coming with our lunch. It's lasagne and I must say the aroma is absolutely heavenly. The serve us and I begin to dig in. A moan involuntarily escapes my lips. I notice everyone's eyes shot to me and I blush, "Sorry the food is absolutely delicious.", Josh and Jenny both laughs.

"So, Monique how is your job going do you like it?", Jenny asks

"It's been great so far.", I say honestly.
"That's good, so are you still with Austin?", "Mom!", Josh yells in a warning tone. "What?", she replies innocently. "No, its fine Josh. Yes, am actually still with him even though it isn't all buttercups and sunshine.", Jenny smiles at this. "You know I admire your commitment Monique that's exactly what I would love in a daughter in law and you know Josh is getting divorced? It's not too late to change your mind and get hitched with him instead.", I laugh at her straight forwardness and Josh start to choke.

I rub his back while his mom passed him water. After he has recovered, he yells, "Mom blunt much!?"

"She puts her hands out forging innocence. "What you can't blame a woman for trying!", we all laugh at this we laugh and talk until I had to go back to work and I hug Jenny bye and Josh drives me back.

As I am getting out of the car Josh holds on to my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. When he releases me, I am light headed and he smirks and adds, "See you tomorrow same time", he doesn't ask but rather tells me.

I don't reply but rather spin on my heel and walk seductively back to the building. The rest of the day went smooth and I drive home at 8. Made potatoes and stake for dinner and I eat alone.

Austin hasn't returned until 11 that night and I was only pretending to sleep. I hear him come into the bed room and head to the bathroom he takes a total of 15 mins to get out. He tried to lay down as silently as possible. I turn around suddenly startling him and he falls off the bed on the floor. I ask him straight out, "Why you home so late?", "I got held up at work had a late meeting babe.", I turn back around not facing him, "Whatever you say", and I get the strong feeling he wasn't at no meeting. 

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