Chapter 1

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During high school Monique was never one that you could be described as a straight A student she was more of an average student with some good grades here and there but that didn't bother her much. When she first started high school she blended in perfectly, however she rarely spoke.

Monique got to school on the first day she decided to sit near a window at the back she noticed everyone was talking. But a group of guys stood out the most they were standing at the front of the class there was one particular guy that got Monique's attention he was tall with dark green eyes, caramel coloured skin, pink full lips and the body of an angel.

Monique couldn't take her eye off him, until she felt someone touch her arm. When she looked up she realised it was Josh the same guy she was drooling at a few minutes ago
"Hi what your name?" Monique was so caught up in looking at him that she didn't realise he was in front of her asking her a question. "Oh didn't see you there!", Monique said, "My name is Monique", she said shyly. He smiled with white pearly teeth that seem to light up the room.

"I'm Josh Harem I noticed you staring at me and I just realized something you live two houses down from me right? "She still remain speechless so he continued.

"Hey maybe we could be friends' study together or something." The entire time Josh was speaking Monique was just staring at him until she finally came to her senses.

"That would be fun Josh how about tomorrow after school when we actually get homework." Seeing it was the first day they were sure there wouldn't be any home work assignments.

Everything went well for the rest of the day for Monique except for at 0 lunch. She didn't know who to sit with, she hadn't actually made any friends yet.

She sat at an empty table in the middle of the cafeteria. She began eating her lunch when she felt a shadow standing over her she turned around to find a tall, brown hair, grey eyes and pink lips girl standing over her glaring at her.

She began to shout suddenly, "She not only steals my boyfriend's attention but also my table!!" Monique was confused.

Monique's P.O.V

I was confused what is this girl talking about I don't even know her and what is she talking about a boyfriend that I stole? I haven't even spoken to anyone here yet. I stood up trying to be polite, "Hi what your name?" I said. She didn't reply.

So I said, " name is Monique Gord-." I was cut off by her beginning to shout.

"I know who you are bitch! Now you listen up you better stay away from Josh he is mine got that! Oh and this table is mine so you better move!", I was so surprised after trying to be friendly and shit this hoe is shouting at me over a boy I don't even know, but guess what no more mister nice guy I am going to punch her in the face.

I balled my fist and just when I was about to hit her a voice interrupted me. "Hey Monique sorry about my girlfriend's behavior I turned to see it was Josh I started to walk away but not before I said, "Well next time make sure you keep your dog on her leach."

I heard Josh chuckle behind me and his girlfriend was going on about how he made me say stuff about her and he didn't defend her. I couldn't care less

Author's Note

So this is my first story hope you guys enjoy it I will update soon. Please comment and vote I would be happy for as much as 20 vote that would make my day anyway toddles :)

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