Chapter 16

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"Babe I love you so much", Austin said. At the mention of those words I started to remember that night me and Josh almost did it. I felt guilty

"I love you too Austin", I whispered.

Then before we knew it, we were on his bed and he was between my legs. It was passionate strong and better than anything I have ever felt before. "Austin! Austin!", I panted. Each time he pushed into me my whole world exploded. It was so sweet then he started kissing me all over my body. "Yes, Austin yes!", I yelled. He was about to put his lips between my legs when the door busted open and showed a red head with light grey eyes just like Austin's.

I saw her face fade from a smile to a look of jealousy then she shut the door and left. Austin jumped off me and grabbed his pants.

"Who was she!", I demanded
Austin was running to the door putting on his shirt and yelled back to me that he would explain later.

I left his dorm I felt as if my whole world had crashed beneath me was Austin cheating on me? That question tormented my mind so much that by the time I got back to my dorm. I broke down crying.

I jumped in bed and cried my eyes out "How could Austin do this to me?", I kept asking myself. Then I heard a knock on the door. I was sure it's Austin trying to tell me some lies that, that girl wasn't his other woman. So, I yelled, "Go away! leave me alone!"

The person however burst into my room instead. "I said leave me alone Austin!", I said with my face down in the pillow.

Then I felt the bed sink beside me. I immediately realised it was Josh because of his scent. I turned to look into his face that was mere inches away from mine on the next pillow. My eyes were probably red from crying but I didn't care this was Josh my best friend who has basically seen every inch of me. Then it came to me while I tried my best to be faithful to Austin. Austin had another woman that he thought was way more important than me that he ran after her and left me to hurt.

"Why you crying Mo?", Josh asked his voice was soothing and calm then he stretch over and remove a strand of my hair that was in my face and gently tucked it behind my ear. "It Austin.", I said. Josh sighed "What did he do now?" Well we were in his room and we were you know doing stuff then this red head burst into the room when she saw what we were doing she ran off looking sad. Do you think Austin is cheating on me Josh? "He better not, be doing that", Josh growled. He was always so overprotective of me yet sweet. "Don't get angry on my account Josh you probably have problems of your own." "Your right about that Mo", he said. "What's wrong", I asked. He looked distant for a second then he said, "It Camille she seems so strange lately she doesn't even give me attention anymore." "Well maybe she's caught up with school assignments and studying you know exams are next week and all." " Your probably right Mo", Josh said. "Anyway, that's enough of me we still have your problem on our hands."
"Yea Josh", I said. "Who the hell is this girl anyway she seems way younger than we are maybe two years younger, I haven't seen her here before either who is she?"

"I'll tell you who she is, she is my sister.", Austin said. He was listening to us from my dorm door. Josh got up and left immediately "I better go Mo", he said he pecked me on my check and left. "Bye Josh", I said

"Is she really your sister Austin?", I asked with my hands folded.

"Yes, Monique who did you think she was?", he said while standing at the door studying me.

"Then if she was why did she seem so hurt when she saw us having sex?"

He moved over to my bed and sat next to me "She was just frightened to see her older brother having sex that's all Mo trust me when I say I love you and I would never cheat on you.", he said and his voice sounded sincere.

"Ok Austin", I said and he took me in his arms and I felt like all was well once again.

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