Chapter 25

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Monique's P. O. V

Austin was still ignoring me and I continued to pester him about it but to no avail. I was driving to work I was extremely moody and not in the mood for any interaction with anyone.

I arrive at work I park my car in the parking lot and I get out. I head to the building I say, "I say good morning to Angela to which she barely replies still upset, I guess. I head into my office and close the door behind me and I sit and I have my morning coffee.

I work all morning all grumpy and as soon as the last patient leaves before lunch I hear a knock on my door. I sigh feeling irritated. I yell, "Come in!", I look up to see Josh my spirits left immediately and I run over to him crashing him into a tight hug which he returns gratefully. I try to let go but he holds on to me. "Don't move I need this are his only words", so I hug him back however confused I am.

When he finally lets me go, I notice his appearance his clothes are crumbled as if he slept in them. His eyes are blood shot as if he hasn't sleep in a week and his face need to be shaved.
"What happened Josh? What's wrong?", I ask cautiously he eyes me warily and he hugs me once more. Then I take him to sit in the chair by my desk.
"So, tell me what's wrong now Josh", he sighs and begins by blurting, "Camille cheated on me." I gasp at what he said. I however didn't question him any further I just said let's get out of here.

I grab my bag and coat and Josh and I leave my office as I head out to the receptionist I go over to Angela and say, "Angela please tell Mr Brown I had a family emergency so I will be out for the rest of the day.", she looks up at me and smiles devilishly and says, "Sure Dr. Gordon I'll get your message to him."

We drove to a park me in my car Josh in his and we sit on a bench and eating hot dogs Josh has hardly touched his. Josh is quiet and he hasn't said a word since we got to the park, he just sat there staring at the children playing. I look over and I notice a tear escapes his eyes betraying his manhood and ego. I put my arm around him to comfort him. He lays his head on my lap and I rub his hair.
He speaks after laying there for ten minutes. "Do you know why I came to you?", his voice is hoarse with emotions and he sounds broken.

"I don't know why did you?", I replied search the side of his face in my lap.
"Your my safe haven the only person I trust with my feeling and with the most vulnerable parts of me you bring me comfort Monique.", he get up immediately and before I can say anything I feel his lips on mine. The kiss is needy yet gentle and I can feel his brokenness and the pain he currently feels. I kiss back hoping to take it all away from him and to have him hurt no more.

I drive with him to his house just to ensure he gets home OK. I go upstairs with him and I help him get undressed and showered and then into bed and I lay there with him until he falls asleep and despite my needs I decide against sex because he need a friend right now not a lover.

I get home to find the house in total darkness. I check my watch its 10 pm. Austin usually get home at 9. I sigh and park in the drive way and I get out I head upstairs have a shower and I fall asleep immediately.

Next Morning

I wake up to find the space next to me empty so I go off to the bathroom to get ready. I shower and get dressed then I head downstairs. The house is deafeningly silent and the kitchen has no sign of him coming home or eating dinner nor having breakfast.

I feel panic rise within me what if something happened to him? I run to the door and his car isn't parked in the driveway. I call his phone and it rings and rings and rings. Until his voice mail answers the call. I ring again same result. I pace the room back and forth feeling guilty.
I try his cell once more and he answers on the third ring and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Austin where are you why didn't you come home?", he takes a moment to reply.

"I'm sorry hun I had a late meeting at work and fell asleep in my office.", I sigh, "OK Austin as long as your OK."

I headed to work singing along to my current favourite song Beyoncé - Mine. I pull at a stoplight and I look over to the car next to me. This guy with brown hair, pink lips and blue eyes sit smirking at me while checking me out. I blush and look ahead he smirks some more and I see him reach in his pocket for what looks like his card as if to give me his number but thankfully the light goes green and I speed off down the street happy for the escape. I could not take anymore temptations than I already have.

He's good looking too bad he had the wrong set of eyes. I prefer green.

I get to work in no time. I enter the reception area smiling and I greet Angela and I am greeted back with a smile, "You look happy.", she begins looking at me suspiciously and I smile at her. Then I hear her whisper under her breath, "Won't be for much longer." I stop in my tracks and ask her, "What was that?", she smirks innocently at me and say, "OH nothing", I eye her suspiciously and then I make my way to my office.

I open the door to my office and I am startled by my boss Dr. Brown the head doctor sitting at my desk in my chair.

"Aww Dr Gordon I have been expecting you please sit.", he gestures to the chair I usually seat my patients in. I sit however annoyed I am that he is sitting at my desk I take in his physical appearance and I notice his tie under his lab coat has a gravy stain on it. He has a bulky nose; he is very large in mass and I notice that small beats of sweat begin to form on his forehead. His eyes are beady and they are currently glued to my chest. I instantly dislike this man.

"I know miss Gordon that you are indeed new to the medical profession as well as this my clinic but I would love to inform you that employee are expected to follow rules and are responsible for their action. It has come to my attention that you left yesterday at lunch and you have not returned for the rest of the day nor have you left a message and if this is how you will operate- I cut him off by raising my hand.

I was extremely angry at his audacity to scold me as if I am a child and then assume what I did yesterday from what I did not do. "Well Dr Brown I would advise you to get a more reliable sources as it relates to office matters as you are completely mistaken. You said that, I left the office yesterday without leaving a message and I did not return that afternoon is that correct.?", he nod at me agreeing, "Well for your information I did leave a message with the receptionist Angela asking her to inform you that I had a family emergency I had to attend to. So, if your sources have misinformed you please do not come into my office and take my personal space and scold me like I am a child as we are all mature ADULTS here and I wish to be treated as such!"

"Well miss Gordon I have been misinformed and I am extremely sorry for this miss understanding and I will make it my duty that miss Angela be dealt with.", I notice a glint in his eyes as he mentions dealing with Angela if I didn't know any better, I would say it was almost sexual.

He got up immediately from my chair to leave but turns around to add, "I must commend you miss Gordon for your work here especially in that pass week during my and Dr Cooper's absence so I will be giving you giving you the next week off with pay and no hard feelings?", he stretches his hand out for me to shake I eye it cautiously and reluctantly I shake it. I immediately regret it his hands are ruff and feels dirty and he hold on to my hands a bit too long for my liking. He leaves closing the door behind him and I rush over to the bathroom to wash my hands this is going to be a long day.

Josh's P.O.V

I am currently at work doing my usual financial mark-ups and my mom sits opposite me making the list of supplies we need to order in this month. I told her about Camille coming in at two in the morning and drunk admitting to having sex with Koby. She was infuriated and kept saying she told so. Which wasn't helping my feelings at all I felt stupid, naive and easily deceived I had my suspicions and yet refused to believe them. I tell my mom about how Monique took care of me and got me to bed and made sure I didn't drink myself to death and she was elated and I could see the tiny match making angels working in her mind.

"I would love to see her Josh please bring her over for lunch." I'll asked her mom maybe I will and she might be busy so I don't know if she will be able to.

"Nothing beats a try son", and I dwelled on her word am going to try to make it work with Monique this time.

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