Chap. 2 Levi's Group

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5:00 A.M.

"Levi... Levi..." Erwin's voice clear and concerned.

"Hm? Yes..." Levi stated after looking at a wall for 30 minutes.

"Um. There's tea in the dinning hall. Are you ok..." His eyes filled with worry.

"Why of course!"

Levi shot up from the drown let her chair he was in and walked slowly down a few narrow hallways with old paintings to the dinning hall, where there was a warm cup of blood.

"ah...." Levi's eyes became pulsating with blood, veins grew in his eyes circulating the blood, and even his pupil was as red as the blood sea.

His fangs grew in and he took a sip, almost braking the cup with his teeth. He held the cup with one hand, not holding the handle. He then swayed off to the dinning table where it was elegantly set with all 24 silver peaces at each place setting. Everyone was there Erwin, Mikasa, Reiner, Ymir, Petra, Oluo, and Hannes. They were all wearing Victorian outfits and looked surprisingly good in them!

Ok so...
         They live in a Victorian Home.
Dinning hall- kitchen
Dinning table- table to eat
Lavatory- bathroom
Tea- blood

"So as I was saying, we saw this girl and she was scared to death, I could even hear her bones rattling. And then---"


"aw!" Oluo bit down on his tong for the 6th time today.

"I'm guessing you drank her after that." Ymir's eyes full of Borden.

"Why do you always have to mess up the story!" Oluo demanded.

Ymir started to get up from the dining table when...

"Let's wait for Levi to be done with his tea then we can leave the table." Petra's voice calm and almost unheard.

Levi just sat there taking his time one sip after another, once he finally finished every one scattered to there rooms, but Levi didn't have a room. No, he didn't want a room. He just went back to his chair sat sideways and went on his phone to watch Netflix.

3:30 P.M.

Mikasa walked through the entrance of the library. She was wearing her usual short poofy Victorian dress with her hair all in a bun with curls and wore white lace gloves.

"Excuse me, sir." Mikasa cooed

"Yes, Mikasa."

"May, I go hunting tonight?" She said scared like.

"Of course Mikasa."  His voice unclear.

"Why thank you." The girl happily jumped away. 

"Only! If you have a partner!" Levi sat up and demanded.

"Wha?! Yes, Sir..."

"So who will it be."

"You? I don't know Ymir?"

"Ymir isn't experienced enough. I'll just go!" His voice once calm now full of anger. As it that just ruined his day.

Mikasa then walked out in shame.

Levi after that went back to the Walking Dead on Netflix.

5:45  P.M.

"Levi. May I enter?" Hannes stood by the entrance of the opening.

"Yes, yes Hannes."

"Well somebody clogged the Lavatory..."

"What?!" Levi screamed as high as a bats squeak.

"It wasn't me, not me!" Hannes began to sweat.

Levi got up from the leather chair and tossed his phone on it and made his way to the lavatory, making loud stomps as he went along.

"I'll have to clean it all over again. Hey, I should just clean the whole house again!" He said with delight. (Even though he had cleaned the house yesterday.) He said to himself.

11:30 P.M.

Levi sat down in his chair starting to get cozy when,

"Are you ready?" Mikasa came around the corner enthusiastically.

"Oh my god... Ok..." He stood up and got ready, he put on a new dress shirt, sort of like a suit, and put on his doily.


They then stepped outside and immediately heard someone. They looked at each other nodded there heads in agreement and sprinted through the grass behind the house. There was a man jogging with his earbuds in. Levi had a smirked and Mikasa was ready to laugh because they could her what he was listening to. He was talking to his family. It sounded like he had a wife and a daughter and maybe a dog/cat.  Bam! Levi ran to the man ripped off the earphones and held the man down long enough for Mikasa to get there and bite. The mans screams didn't effect them and after about 3 seconds he was dead. Mikasa had him by the neck and Levi then once he new he was dead to a bit in his wrist.   

"Did you hear that??? I'll be right back."

Mikasa was to focused on the meal. Levi sprinted off to see a werewolf sleeping.

"He's gorgeous..." His eyes opened wide.

The boy inside then got up and went outside to see the alumnus figure. Levi just starred him in the eyes until he realized he was crazy and that, that thing was a werewolf. Levi sprinted away and heard something but chose it ignore it and went back to the victim. Mikasa was done and standing there. They finally went back to the home...

Sorry that this one was REALLY long it's just I wanted to add a lot of detail! Lol hope you liked it! Please leave things ominous liked and hated BYE!!!


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