Chapter 9: Girls, How do I look??

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On valentines day Kenny  sent a bunch of flowers, candy, a love letter *which is hung on her  wall* and a diamond bracelt to Toni. She shared her  candy  with her friends , but hasn't worn the bracelet yet . Since their first contact, Toni and Kenny have been speaking daily over the phone for +/- 1hour... They've grown very comfortable with one another and are starting to catch romantic feelings for each other.

It's Thursday afternoon, around 13h30.  Kim , Toni and Candy have decided to take a half day from school, to help Toni pack for her journey. 

Toni's Apartment:

Candy: So what have you packed so far??

Toni: All the necessities in my toiletry bag,  3 pairs of jeans, a night dress, my floral dress, 2 jerseys , 2 jackets, socks and boots.

Kim: *A bit confused * Come again Toni?

Toni: I said 3 pairs of... *gets cut off*.

Kim: I heard what you said girl, and  I think not....

She goes into Toni's waredrobe and starts pulling out clothes for her. She grabs 2 *do me baby booty dresses*, 2 pairs of stilettos, a leather jacket, accessories and a white trench  coat, with a sexy knee high black night gown .

Kim: Now Toni, you're ready..

Candy: Pack her whole wardrobe, won't you Mrs. Fashionista??

They all  laugh..

Toni: Thank y'all so much, I truly don't know what I would do without you in my life :):):) 

Kim: Awww Tone. You know that I wasn't about to let you step out of the house  looking like a homeless person *pretends to file her nails*

Candy: Ha ha, so you're going to see Babyface with that hair huh?

Toni: Yes, why??

Candy: I mean there's nothing wrong with it, it just looks too ordinary and by that I mean boooring!

Toni: Okay loud mouth, what's your suggestion??  

Candy: I don't know. Maybe go to the salon and have it washed, style it or something.... All I know is that you gotta look "beat to capacity".

*They all laugh*.

Toni: I don't have a lot of time left for all of that Candice.

Kim: Come over here girl, *grabs a chair* now sit.

Kim neatly ties Toni's hair into a donut leaving a bit of hair out. She takes her tongs and curls a portion of the hair in front, then takes a baby gel and pulls out Toni's baby hairs. She finishes it off by spraying it.

Candy: Wow Toni, you look like a girl in the movies. 

Kim: But well  of course Toni, you can thank me later while getting that back cracked. *Candy and Kim laugh*. 

Toni: Thaank you so much Kimmy, I really owe you one. I'd seriously be lost without y'all and heyy,  I'm a virgin so there won't be any of that.

Candy: Uh huh, that's what We all said girl

She and Kim high five each other

Toni: So silly, *she grabs her phone and dials Kenny's number*.

Kenny: Hello

Toni: Hi Ken, how are you??

Kenny: I'm super excited Tone and can barely focus here at work. I can't wait to see that beautiful face and embrace you in my arms..

Toni: Well it really looks like someone is in a terrific mood *smiles*.

Kenny: Of course I am Toni. Do you know how long i've waited for this day?

Toni : Ahh, a week??

Kenny: No ways my love, I've been waiting a little over a month for this day to happen and have experienced it  time and again in my head *chuckles* . So you're ready??

Toni : *Laughs*, you are too much Babyface... I was wondering if it would be possible for your driver to pick me up at my apartment??

Kenny: Not a problem Tone. I hope you're ready for me * licks his lips*

Toni: Laughs**, very funny Ken. *she gives him her address *... See you soon *smiles*.

Kenny: Cool stuff Tone, have a safe trip. I can't wait to finally see my baby...

Toni's pov: Kenny is sounding a little bit thirsty, what's with these mushy titles *love, baby, my love??* sighs.  It's not like we're officially dating and he's already acting a fool, but please don't get me wrong. I'm actually turned on by his goofiness.

Toni: I can't wait to see you too, talk later. Bye Kenny *smiles into the phone as she hangs up*.

It's now 14h20: Toni takes a quick shower, puts on a scented lotion, nice smelling roll on and uses her most expansive perfume... She flawlessly puts on her make up and decides to dress down a bit by wearing Black skinny jeans with a black tank top, a necklace, black trench coat with a pair of yellow stilettos.  She comes out of her bedroom and finds Kim / Candy waiting downstairs for her.

Toni: So girlsss, how do I look??

Kim: Flaawless.. Oh my gosh Toni, I haven't seen you this pretty in like forever?? *sheds a tear*

Toni: Hugs Kim**, thank you so much doll. I couldn't have done it without you.

Candy: Well Tone, to me you look like you are ready to get laid * laughing*

Toni: OMG! I just can't...

As she was about to say something her door bell rings....

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