Chapter 1 / Wairua

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Hera's POV

I'm running down a hallway of the palace, the west wing to be precise. I look down to see my shoeless feet, barely showing due to the length of my dress. I look over my shoulder, seeing my friend chasing after me... Ben. He's 12 here, and his curly locks bounce off and around his face as he laughs.

His laugh - the one thing in the world that I adored the most. He's my best friend, although we've only known each other for a few months. I continue running, laughing too as my legs carry me through the grand hall.

"Herana! Give them back!" I hear Ben shout as I run past my fathers servants. I look down at the pair of shoes in my hands, grinning as I throw one at him.

He quickly dodges, picking up the black shoe from the ground.

"Don't throw them! They're brand new!" He shouts.

Thinking he was angry I stopped, but laughed as I saw him grinning.

"Come catch me then, Solo!" I yell, quickly turning around -  bumping right into a man... No, my father. I bow my head a little bit, showing the King respect, Ben doing the same.

"Herana, what have I told you about playing in the halls? There are people working, they don't need to be disturbed now, do they?" He frowns at me, his eyes showing disappointment.

"I'm sorry father, we were just playing." I mumble, looking down at the ground.

He grunts, "Princesses don't play - and they most certainly don't mumble either."

I nod, looking at Ben as his eyes hold worry for me. I smile at him, showing him it's okay.

"Be off then, you have sparring at 4." Father says, before walking off. His advisors by his side.

I sigh, looking at Ben once again.

"Wanna' race to the Grand Balcony?" He interrupts the silence' and I nod eagerly, a grin on my face.

We start running again, the shoe and Father incident long behind us. We run for what seemed like hours, but it was only minutes,  huffing and puffing as we run for the Grand Balcony. I'm in the lead - as usual, and I'm laughing, no... Taunting Ben for being slow, I know he hates it when I taunt him.

"Come on Solo! Or should I say Slowlo!" I tease as I run, I turn my head to see Ben fuming. He scares me a little bit when he's angry.

"Don't call me that! You know I hate it!" He yells at me, but I merely poke my tongue at him. He growls a little bit, his right hand reaching out, forming a fist.

I immediately fall to the ground, hard too. Paralyses takes over my entire body, the only thing moving is the rise and fall of my chest.

I whimper, trying to move. Ben is right in front of me, my eyes looking at him for answers, he looks at his hand in shock, his eyes wide. He opens his fist, and the paralysis washes off of me.

I immediately stand up and stand away from him, my eyes widening as tears threaten to fall.

"H-Hera I swear I didn't mean to do that! It was an accident! Oh crap, dad said it's easy to control." He whimpers out, his bottom lip quivering as he forces the words.

"Y-you h-hurt me Ben..." I whisper, looking at the blood coming from the wounded areas of my skin. I look back at him, searching for an answer as to how it happened.

"Dad said it was easy to control, b-but it's not! You called me that name a-and I don't know! It just... Happened." He waves his hand through his hair, his breathing fast. "I'm so sorry Hera."

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