Chapter 15 / Void

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Hera's POV

After the mess hall incident, very few of the storm troopers speak with me. Leo still considers myself a friend, and a few others like my company - but that's about it.

I mean, there's always Kylo.

But what is he?

Or what are we?

Are we together? Are we best friends? Or are we just two people who face battle a lot...

I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to ask him sooner or later.

I can feel my abilities becoming stronger too, and the force is becoming more of a gain than a weakness for me. I'm ecstatic that I don't have to hide it either, and I'm becoming more comfortable using it more frequently.

Kylo taught me during week one of training how to place a mental block, and he's rather angry that I mastered it quickly...

I sit on the bed that Kylo and I share, practising how to move objects around using the force. I'm just about to place a glass of water onto the table when a knock at the door interrupts me. I drop the glass rather roughly, and I make an irritated noise.

"It's open." I yell, standing up to fix the glass.

The door opens, and a storm trooper walks in.

"Captain Phasma has requested your presence, Miss Iris." He says, standing rather awkwardly.

I nod, "What's your name soldier?"

"RI235, Miss."

I smile, grabbing my jacket and placing it on.

"I'm going to call you Ryan, is that okay?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

He nods eagerly, "I've never had a proper name before, is it okay if we keep this between us though Miss?"

"Call me Hera, and if you wish." I smile, I've made another friend.

I follow Ryan out of the bedroom and down the hall. We walk for a few more minutes in silence, until I break it.

"Do you know why your captain needs me?" I ask, staring ahead at the walkway.

He shakes his head, "She simply wanted your presence, I wasn't told why unfortunately."

"It's okay, I just hope it's for something useful."

We walk for a few more minutes, until we come into a large room I've never been in before.

A storm trooper awaits us, however, their armour is of another colour.

"Your armour is rather beautiful." I blurt out, not meaning too.

Ryan chuckles a little, but stops when the other trooper looks at him.

"I've never had someone comment on the colour of my armour before." The storm trooper says, and the voice is feminine.

I start grinning, "There's a first time for everything then, Captain Phasma."

"I suppose there is." She nods, then turns her attention to Ryan. "You're dismissed, RI235."

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