Chapter 10 / Numb

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Hera's POV


I feel... Numb.

My kingdom... Gone.

My friends... Dead.

M-my home... Destroyed.

I came too about an hour ago, and I now I lay here on this bed in wait of Kylo's return. I'm in a bedroom, it's walls are dark, actually come to think of it, all the furniture is dark.

The room is somewhat familiar, like I've been here before. And I realise that it's the room I've seen Kylo in through his mind.

This must be his bedroom.

But where am I? I can slightly feel vibrations through the walls... I'm on a ship.

Kylo's home perhaps? Maybe he calls this place home.

I look down at my attire, seeing that I'm no longer wearing my torn white gown, but now wearing a black shirt that reaches to my thigh.

I frown, not use to the colour.

I walk into the bathroom, taking in my reflection. Goddess, what have I become... My golden eyes look dim, and my hair still has traces of blood through it. My skin is covered in bruises and cuts. I don't look like myself at all... I turn towards the contraption that is placed in the back of the bathroom... That's not a bath? What is this thing?

I shrug, walking back into the bedroom and towards the main door. I try opening it, but it won't budged. I scream out in anger, banging on it repeatedly.

"Open this frick-fracking door immediately!" I scream out, but I'm met with silence. I try forcing it open, but it won't. I hit and kick it repeatedly, before sliding down against it and hunching over. I start to tremble, wanting someone to come to me and release me from this nightmare.

But I wanted to come here, didn't I?

Yes, I did. But I didn't want to leave my kingdom in the ruins that it was.

It wasn't supposed to be like this!

I sigh, looking up, spotting some books on a shelf. I walk over and grab one, before walking over towards the bed and making myself comfortable.

I Mays well do something to pass the time until someone releases me.

I'm not a prisoner here...


Kylo's POV

I had brought Hera aboard in my arms. She was shaking slightly, even with my coat around her. I ended up changing her out of the filthy dress and placing her in one of my training shirts, I hope she doesn't mind.

Trooper TN187 gave me notice that she had awoken, and I told him to keep her in my room until I was ready. I was to speak with the Supreme Leader... Herana would have to wait for my return until then.

I walk until I'm in front of him, bowing my head slightly. My mask is on and my cloak is around my head as usual.

"What have you done with the girl?" Supreme Leader questions, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"She is aboard, I will be starting her training in a weeks time, until then she will be in my chambers resting." I say confidently, staring at the hologram.

He nods, "Why not start tomorrow? If she is as strong as you say she is, surely she can start sooner than a week?"

"Her home has just been destroyed, Supreme Leader. Her people have perished and her father has disappeared... Surely she is allowed some time to grieve."

"Grieve? Grieve?! If she is to be as strong as you Kylo Ren, she will never have to grieve! Do as you will, but know that I am always watching for her progress..." And with that, the hologram turns off.

I sigh, before making my way out. I'm almost to my chambers when General Hux stops me.

"The princess has been making quite a lot of noise in your chambers, Kylo." He frowns, seeming irritated.

"Noise? What noise? I hear nothing but your whining." I growl out, annoyed that he's stopped me.

He raises his eyebrow, "She was screaming for a little while, and I believe kicking the door as well."

I nod at him, "I will deal with it."

I walk off once again, before entering my chambers.

I'm met with Hera's sleeping form, a book on her chest. I take off my helmet and cloak, leaving myself in a black undershirt and pants. I walk over to her, careful not to be loud. I go to grab the book from her chest, but her hand reaches out and stops me. Her breathing is rough, and her eyes are wide as she looks at me.

I open my mouth to speak, but I'm greeted with the book thrown at my face. I quickly dodge, staring at Hera in disbelief.

"Lock me in the bedroom of an unknown ship again and I will cut you." Her voice is raspy, filled with loathing.

I nod at her, "My apologies, I thought you would be out for a little longer."

She narrows her eyes. "Oh did you? I'm so sorry I woke up earlier than you thought I would! I mean, who knows what's going to happen when someone's knocked you out, huh?!"

"I deserve that, yes. But believe me, it was for your own good."

"My own good? My own good!? I wanted to stay there and look for survivors! I wanted to stay and give Tilda and Corwin a proper funeral! T-they're just lying there!" She screams, her eyes furious.

"We buried the dead, they were well looked after. And for survivors? We found none... Except you."

Her eyes widen, and her breathe hitches.

"O-only me? I couldn't of been the only one!"

"Wairua is a small planet Herana! And most families were sleeping when the bombs when off... Those that weren't were killed instantly some other way." I blurt out, instantly regretting it as the look in her eyes start to fill with tears.

She blinks them away.

"C-can you turn on the bath for me..." She mumbles, changing the subject.

"The bath? There's only a shower Hera."

"A shower? I've heard of those... Well, can you turn that on for me?" She asks, staring towards the bathroom.

I nod, standing up and walking to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower, hearing Hera's steps come in.

"This is how you turn it cold, and this is how you turn it h-" I turn around, and I'm greeted with Hera in nothing but a towel. I quickly turn back, my eyes widening.

I clear my throat, "Uh, don't you think you should have waited until I left?" I ask.

"No? You've seen me naked before Kylo, I don't care."

"I forget you Wairuan's don't care for nudity." I mumble.

"It's just our natural state, what's to be ashamed about?"

"Ah, well yes. I'll just leave you too it and I'll be-"

"Can you stay?" She whispers, and I turn around to face her.

"Stay? In here?" I say, pointing around the bathroom.

She nods, "I want someone to talk to, I'm going to be sitting down in the 'shower' while I bathe..."

"I guess, but I'm putting a towel around where you are seated."

She slightly grins, "Deal."


*Not Edited*

Woo hope that was okay!

Anywho I'm bored, so ask me some questions!!! They can be about anything.

Vote, comment and leave me some love <3

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