Chapter 13 / Cycle

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Hera's POV

Kylo and I have been training for almost 3 weeks now, and he's definitely not going easy on me with it all.

Not that I mind.

We started on combat training, and with myself already knowing a lot we moved on from that quickly. Today's lesson, I get to choose what we do. After I heard from some troopers that a certain commander here has anger issues, I chose meditation. If Kylo doesn't like it, he'll just have to put up with it all.

I chose to stay in Kylo's chambers, not feeling comfortable staying elsewhere. When we were younger, we'd often share a bed and just talk through the night. Now we just sleep, and he tends to move around a lot so I made a pillow barrier between our bodies.

He's been a little distant lately, often only responding with a few words rather than full sentences, so I know something is up.

Wearing a plain black 'tank top' and shorts, I make my way to the training room, like I have been for the past 3 weeks. I pass some storm troopers on the way, but they avoid my gaze and ignore me, I shrug at them, and continue to walk.

I enter the room, seeing that it's empty. Looking at the clock I see that I'm 10 minutes early, and I smirk knowing Kylo can't get angry at me for being late. I start to stretch, making sure I've done the right things.

"There will be no training today, Hera." His enhanced voice echoes through the room. I turn around immediately, seeing him in his full getup.

I whine, "Any particular reason why?"

He shakes his head, and turns to leave. I use the force and slam the door shut before he can, shaking my head at him in return.

"Open the door Hera."

"Nope, you just don't want to meditate. You are not getting out of this you ass!" I shout at him, irritated that he's trying to bail.

I hear him sigh, knowing he's admitted defeat. He takes of the cloak, his shoes and his helmet, leaving him in black pants and a shirt. His hair is a mess, so I give him a hair tie.

He looks at it, then raising his eyebrow at me.

I shrug, "I don't want it getting in the way."

He nods, pulling his hair into a pony tail. I try not to chuckle at his attempt, but decide against it when he glares at me.

"Okay, so what am I doing then?" He asks, genuinely confused.

I come up with an idea, feeling a little bit giddy that he's doing anything I say.

"Okay so, you have to take off your shirt, then sit down on the mat and I'll show you how to meditate."

"I have to take off my shirt? Why?" He questions, looking at me.

I look at him in a serious matter. "Yes, you have to - It just makes it easier."

"Well are you taking off your shirt?"

"Nope, I'm the instructor, I don't have too." I say, trying to sound professional.

He nods, a small frown on his face. "I guess that makes sense." As he pulls his shirt off, I start grinning from ear to ear, happy that he bought the lie.

He pulls it off, and I start observing his torso. I nod in approval, and he stands there looking at me weirdly.

"I didn't really have to take off my shirt, did I Hera?"

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