Chapter 6 / Isolation

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Hera's POV

I haven't seen Kylo all day, ever since last night he's avoided me. It's worrying me, and I'm tempted to visit him in his chambers, but that's improper for a Princess.

Gosh Hera, look at you being all Princessy, I think to myself, I'm not like this at all!

I'm currently on my way to town, dressed in long black pants. Kylo's cloak around my shoulders, covering my face. I may or may not have temporarily stolen it for this purpose... Hey! It was just lying around in his chambers while he was out, it's not like he's going to miss it at all, I'm sure he has more.

Pushing strands of my hair away from my face, the horse I was riding and I trudge through thick layers of snow. I don't even know the horses name... Pity, he's so lovely.

I both love and hate winter in Wairua, the love being the joy it brings to the children, the hate being how it brings the elders into a non stop grump fest... I hate old people.

I laugh to myself, thinking about how judgmental I am. I pass house after house, noticing parents looking timidly as I ride past. It must be the cloak, it is a little bit daunting I guess. I'm just entering the towns entrance when I hear shouting. I look over towards a shop, noticing a few storm troopers shouting as townspeople begin crowding them.

I dismount my horse, quickly tying reign to a post as I walk over to the group. I keep my head low, not trying to gain attention. A little girl, about knee length looks up at me as I pass and gasps, and I send her a wink.

I stop just before the group, trying to look over the sea of heads.

"What is happening?" I ask, trying to my voice sound deep. A teen looks to me, trying to gain a look at my face, for which I look down.

"The storm troopers, they're starting another fight." He answers, looking away. My eyes narrow, another?!

"Another? There's been more?"

"Have you been under a rock these past two days? Yes another! They're starting fights for the hell of it I say!" Another man yells, I ignore his little insult, as I try to gain my composure.

Kylo's men are starting fights and there's nothing being down about it?! This makes me angry, no one messes with my people.

I storm through the crowd, ignoring the yells of the people. I make my way to the front, just as I hear a trooper yell.

"You think you can just run into me without saying anything? Huh?" He's shouting at an old man, no older than 70. He's cowering in fear, trying to get away.

"I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't see you!" He cries out, his back up against a wall. There's other storm troopers around him, and they push him onto the ground.

"Stop this! Let him go!" I shout out, again trying to sound different. The troopers head snaps up, searching for me.

"This doesn't concern you wench!" He sneers, turning his attention back to the man.

He raises his fist, and the man closes his eyes, bracing for the impact. My eye twitches, not today asshole. I run and stand in front of the cowering man, my hand stopping the storm troopers fist from touching his frail body. I look up, my eyes starting to glow it's vibrant gold.

Using the force, I send him flying back into a wall, I walk over to him, stepping over broken glass from the window he broke.

"I said, let him go, did I not?" I taunt, bending down to his level as he grunts in pain. I stand as I hear guns being cocked. I turn to see storm troopers aiming their weapons at me, ready to fire.

How petty. I knock the weapons out of their hands, forcing them back into a heap. They look around for some sort of weapon, and I force them to get on their knees. They try moving, but the paralysis running through their muscles stops them.

I didn't notice my cloak had fallen from my head until I turned to see the townspeople on their knees, willingly. They're bowing, for me.

"Rise." Is all I say, and they do, staring at me in amazement. So much for trying to lay low, I think to myself. I walk past the kneeling storm troopers, before stopping in the middle.

"Its not very nice when you can't control your own body, is it? To feel your own blood running through each limb, yet not be able to move them?" I taunt, glaring at them.

"Commander will not be happy about this, your highness." One sneers, attempting to sound threatening.

I crouch down in front of him, my head tilted. "Do you honestly think I fear him? I fear nothing, I fear no one."

I stand up, just as another voice reigns throughout the town centre.

"Herana, release them." It's Kylo.

I turn around, noticing he does in fact have another cloak, and he's wearing his mask. The townspeople start to disperse, fearing the First Orders Commander.

"Release them? Goddess no, I'm not finished yet." I sneer, walking towards him.

His hands are clenched into fists, what does he have to be angry about?!

"Herana, I will not ask you again!"

"Do they forget whose lands they're on? Do you forget? You're in my kingdom Kylo Ren, mine. And I will not let your men act and treat my people as mere specks of dust between their fingers." I shout at him, my eyes starting to glow.

He nods, but he's definitely still angry. "I will punish them."

I storm past him, purposely bumping into him.

"...You better, or I will."

I untie my horse before mounting. I'm about to ride off when the old man from before steps in front.

"T-thank you your Grace! Thank you for helping m-me!" He mumbles, at the verge of tears. I nod at him, earning a smile from him.

"You need not thank me, I would do it for anyone sir. No go home, rest up."

He nods eagerly, "I will your grace!" And with that he's off.

I sigh, knowing I blew my cover of having the force.

Smacking myself in the head repeating, muttering stupid over and over again, I start to ride back to the palace.

I can't help but think about how Kylo treated me just then, the first thing he's said all day and it's for me to release his pitiful men.


Kylo is going to get an earful when I see him again.


*Not Edited*

Woo I might update another chapter tonight, I'm not busy at all so why not! :3

Vote, comment and leave me some love!

Hope it was okay!

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