Chapter 5 / Heir

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Hera's POV

I could feel the two males eyes on me as I ate my food. Seated at the end of the table was myself, Kylo seated in the middle as my father sat at the other end. I ate my food, not knowing exactly what it is however, I should ask Tilda.

"It's some sort of beef, I presume." Kylo tells me through the link. I start choking on my food, as his deep voice  surprised me.

"Herana! Show some respect for our guest!" Father shouts from his end, earning a glare from myself while I wipe the small tears from my eyes. Curse you, choking tears!

Kylo's by my side instantly, taking my face in his hands. "You should be asking your only child if she is alright, Lucian, not caring about appearances." He turns his head to my father while he says this.

Kylo's mask is off, and he's wearing simple black pants with his usual cloak on top. I shake my head, "I'm fine, something just popped into my mind unexpectedly." I somewhat lie.

My father nods, approving of my answer. Kylo goes back to his seat, but not before taking one last glance at me. I nod at him, and he sits. We all sit in silence, and for once, I don't mind it at all. When I'm finished with my dinner, I start to stand.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my chambe-"

"Nonsense, sit down Herana." Father interrupts, causing my eye to twitch. Kylo notices this, and comes to my defence right away.

"The princess wishes to excuse herself, and what better timing as I have things to discuss that might be a tad too morbid for her delicate ears." He says sternly, not breaking eye contact with my father. Father nods once again, probably happy that I won't be present for once.

I excuse myself and take off,  walking straight past my room and out into the Royal garden, it's quite beautiful at night.

Taking off my heels I throw them, and they accidentally land in the fountain. Whoops, they were a present from my father for my 20th birthday, they were absolutely disgusting.

I look down at the dress father chose for me, noticing how it will get dirty if I run through the grass. I shrug, picking up the ends and running through the field towards the grand oak tree. It's my favourite spot in all of the kingdom, and barely anyone knows about it. It's a shame that nobody takes notice in the nature that surrounds us, but I'm grateful that they don't in this case.

Reaching the tree, I plop down against it, sighing deeply. It's been a rough few days and if I have to deal with my fathers none sense anymore, I'm going to lose it. I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to live my life in Wairua and die here... I want to be free.

And Kylo can give me this freedom, I just know he can.

If I can, I could persuade him to take me back with him, to become part of the First Order. I wouldn't have to worry about father, Wairua or the past that I have here, I could just leave it all here. What about Tilda though? She would hate it if I left, but she knows I'm not happy here, she knows I need this.

I didn't know I was here long until I felt my eyes start to drift. The stars in the sky become lighter and lighter until I couldn't see them anymore, and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up when I felt myself being moved, becoming mildly alert.

"It's just me. Do not be scared Hera." I'm greeted with Kylo's deep, sweet voice. He's carrying me, his arm under the curve of my leg, the other supporting my back.

"You don't have to carry me..." I mumble, my eyes shutting again. I feel him chuckle, and I adjust my head so I can look up to see his face.

"I don't, but I know you hate to be carried, so I thought I should."

"Ass." Is all I say before I fall asleep once again. 


Kylo's POV

She looks angelic when she sleeps. She bits her lip often, and her hair always finding its way onto her face. I push the bits of hair away and tuck them behind her ear, my fingers lingering a little on her cheek as I begin to trace the curve of her lips. She moves a little bit, and I pull back, afraid that she might wake up. She doesn't, and I sigh, pulling her blanket over her small frame.

I don't want to leave her here. I don't want her spending her days on this planet, she needs to be with the First Order... She needs to be with me.

Only I can train her on how to properly use the force, only I can make sure she's at her full potential, not wasting away on some throne.

Shutting her bedroom door I start to make my way to my own chambers, when I hear voices coming from behind one of the doors. I lean across the door, trying to get a better listen.

"Herana could be on the throne in weeks if need be, she's certainly ready." An unknown voice says.

"Ready? She's still an insolent child! She's not ready at all!" Thats definitely Lucians voice.

"Yes, but if the force runs through her veins as we speak, she could run Wairua into victory! We would be untouchable."

"But it does not, Gabriel. If Herana had the force, she would have shown signs a while ago, she's weak... She's not going to be the queen, not while I live."

"Just think about it your majesty. She's young, she's beautiful... What more could a kingdom need? We will still be there to make orders, but she will be our image. She will make us great again." 

"I will think about it." I start walking to my chambers once again after that, hearing enough of the men talk.

Hera has more power in her pinky finger than those two men have combined, and it's not the force I'm talking about.

I smirk, if only you knew Lucian.

If only you knew.


*Not Edited*

Enjoy the picture to the top :') I know I did haha!

I would like to thank everyone who comments on my chapters, it means so much to me knowing people actually like what I write ah <3

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