Chapter 7 / Link

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Herana's POV

He's an idiot.

A stupid, beautiful idiot.

And I'm stupid to even be thinking about this stupid, beautiful idiot.

Buts he's so... Stupid.

He doesn't know how to be around girls, that's for sure. Maybe that's a good thing? He doesn't know how to treat women, so that means he hasn't had... Experience with them?

What the hell am I thinking? I don't care about that, I don't care about him like that.

Yes I do.

Ever since I saw him, I've felt myself being drawn to him constantly, and I hate it.

No I don't.

Does he feel the link? Does he feel anything at all?

Do I feel anything at all?


He's not back from town yet, and it's nearly nightfall. Im sitting in his chambers, seated on his bed waiting for him to return. Hopefully he'll be okay to talk to, I did in fact defy him in front of his men, then again they defied me in my own kingdom.

His cloak is still around my shoulders for its quite comfortable. Maybe that's why he wears them so much.

I'm about to take it off when the doors open, Kylo stepping inside. He's still angry as his hands are clench, his muscles tensing in his arms. Nice.

"Get out." He orders, not looking me in the eyes.

I can't help laugh, "Not a chance, you owe me an explanation."

"I owe you nothing."

"Well, at least take off the mask then." I plead a little bit, hating how I'm speaking to his mask. He obeys, pulling it off. His face comes into view... Yeah, definitely angry.

"Why are you here? In my chambers?" His deep, yet smooth voice cuts through the darkness of the night.

"Your chambers? Is this not my palace?" I tease, moving around him.

"Do not taunt me, I don't like to be looked down upon by a mere wo-"

"A mere what? Hm?" I cut him off, a smirk upon my creamy cheeks. "And believe me, many would kill to be 'looked down upon' by a woman of my status."

He grabs me by the shoulders, pinning me between himself and the golden walls of his room. His breath fans my face. "Why are you here? Do not lie to me Herana."

"I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine Kylo, I know you feel it too." I whisper, looking him in the eyes.

A small smile graces his face.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, don't deny it." I whisper, looking him in the eyes.

He nods, "I've felt it for a long time."

My eyes widen, "How long?"

"Since we were kids, the moment I had to leave to be precise." I push him away, moving out of his grasp.

"You knew for 10 years and didn't say anything?! 10 freaking years!" I begin to scream at him, angry for how long he kept this from me.

"What was I to say? You were 10! You wouldn't of understood!" He yells back.

We're both quiet, the only thing heard is our breathing.

I run my hands through my hair, ignoring the pain I'm feeling in my chest. He runs his hands through his thick locks as well, before placing them behind him as he leans of his dresser.

"Why didn't you take me with you?" I whisper, "Why couldn't I come with?"

"Had you come with, your father would have known about the force. The moment you returned you would have been put on the throne, I knew you didn't want to rule so I denied him your power... I denied him you." He admits to me.

I denied him you.

"You were protecting me," I start to put together his words. "You left so my father wouldn't find out, that's why?" He nods, looking me in the eyes, showing me that he's telling the truth.

"All this time, I thought you left because you hated me. B-because you could stand to see me anymore." I whisper. He shakes his head, walking towards me.

"I left to train. I left so that I could use my power and not be scared of hurting you. I left because I couldn't handle the thought of you seeing what I became." He mumbles, pulling me towards him.

I look into his eyes. "But you never came back."

"Because I knew you wouldn't approve."

"Approve? Kylo I could never hate you, I waited daily for you to come back and take me away from here, but you didn't. You never came back for me."

"I wanted too!"

"But you didn't." I whisper, a small tear escaping from my eye. He wipes it away quickly, his finger lingering on my cheek.

"I'm here now aren't I?" He jokes, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You're an ass."

"Yes, and this ass is taking you away from this place, for good."

"You are? Really?" I ask, is he joking?

"I am, I'm not leaving you here again."

I can't help the grin that's plastered on my face. I start to squeal a little bit, before bringing him into a massive hug.

I'm finally leaving!

Im getting out of this place!

I can't help my excitement.

I quickly turn around, my finger pointed to his chest.

"Defy me in front of my kingdom again and I swear that I'll paralyse more than just your men... Got it?" I threaten, my eyes narrowed.

He smirks, "Whatever you say, Princess."



*Not Edited*

I felt posting another chapter so I did ah.

Vote and comment my lovelies! Leave me something sweet to wake up too <3 I love reading everyone's comments.

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