Chapter 3 / Arrival

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Hera's POV

I waited in anticipation for Kylo's arrival. Seated on my throne by my fathers side, we watched as the servants and troops ran around aimlessly, they were scared, that much was obvious.

I fiddled with the lace gloves on my hands while my father talked with his advisor, noticing how the two were mumbling about.

"Father, perhaps we should let them stay for a few days." I suggested, my voice calm.

"Let them stay? Are you mad? They would slice our throats the moment we closed our eyes Herana!" He scolded me, like I was 12 again.

My eye twitched, I couldn't stand being treated as though I was a child. "Well, I was think-"

"Actually sire, it's a great idea!" My father's advisor, Gabriel, interrupted me. "The princess is a genius! Mad, yes, but a genius nonetheless!"

I stand up, walking over to my father and Gabriel. My dress glides amongst the marble floor, "There is no great genius without some touch of madness, Gabriel," I grab his bearded face in my hands, my gold eyes looking deeply into his pale blue. "Interrupt me, and insult me again - And I won't hesitate to have you ripped to shreds by the Wairuan Wolves that reside in the forest."

The loud sound of footsteps echoed through the grand hall, the aura of more power filled the air. He's here.

Gabriel gulped, and I pulled away, a smirk plastered on my face as I could sense an audience watching.

I turned around, the smirk still gracing my features. Kylo was standing in front of 40 or more storm troopers, his face masked and his head cloaked.

"Welcome to Wairua!" I yelled out, my arms spread wide. I bow a little for the respect of our new company, before making my way back to my throne.

"U-uh yes, as my daughter Princess Herana," he turned to glare at me, and I returned with a wink. "Loudly put it, welcome to Wairua, I'll hope you find it to be su-"

"Enough." Kylo's voice boomed out, sending shivers through my body. That's not his voice, I thought. The suit must be doing all the altering... I frowned, I want a suit like that.

My fathers mouth shuts immediately, and our guards quickly stand to attention.

"You're pleasantries are not needed here Lucian," Kylo starts walking forward, until he's metres from our thrones. "I wish to speak to your daughter and yourself, alone."

"My daughter? Why is she needed in this situation?" Father asks, a look of confusion masking his aged face.

I step up and walk until I'm face to face, well, face to mask with Kylo, and he looks down at me.

"Herana!" My dad yells out, "Know your place! I'm sorry, she's not usu-" Kylo raises his finger, silencing my father immediately .

"No, it's quite alright." He surprises both myself and my father when he says this.

"Oh? Look at you being all nice." I tease, slapping him on the shoulder. He merely looks at me, his face blank of emotion due to the mask.

I turn around to face my dad. "Shall we move to the meeting room then?" 

"I still don't see how Herana's presence is needed here, she knows nothing."

"Hey! I know more than you give me credit for, father." I defend myself.

"I will not repeat myself." Kylo calmly says.

I smile at him, "Tell your men that they can rest up in the town, there is plenty of room there."

He nods, surprising me once again.

Kylo's voice enters my mind. "I will meet with your father and yourself in the meeting room soon."

"Do you know where that room is?" I ask back.

"You forgot that this is not my first time here, Herana."

I smirk at him, "Nope, I remember, I just wanted to hear you say it."

He shuts off the link and walks off, barking orders at his men. I turn to my dad once again, indicating for him to get moving too. We walk to the meeting room in silence, and not a good silence either... If my father is really angry, he's silent, which is never a good thing.


Kylo's POV

I watch as Hera threatens a man in awe, she's elegant and calm when doing so, and that just adds to the effect.

She's changed so much since I last saw her too. Her once short black hair is now white and below her waist. Her features are simply, breathtaking. Her curves, her eyes and her lips... God, what am I doing.

I turn my attention away from the princess and focus more on the fear radiating of off the man she's threatening. Hera stops, turning around to face us, a smirk on her delicate cheeks.

"Welcome to Wairuia!" She yells out, her arms spread out.

Nothing has changed a bit with her personality, that's for sure.

She's just like me in retrospect, calm when needed, threatening when needed, and most of all... She's got the features of a timid, delicate woman, but you can tell by the devious look in her golden eyes that it's all an act. She could end your life in a second without a blink of an eye.

Just the way I remember her.

My Hera.


*Not Edited*

Woo hope that was okay!

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Isn't Adam Driver just beautiful *-*

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