Chapter 2 / Monsters

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I  was pacing back and forth in my chambers when my maid stopped me in my tracks.

"What are you planning, your grace?" Tilda, my maid asks me.

I wave my hands through my white hair, sighing deeply. "What can I do Tilda? I can't tell my father the First Order is coming."

She sits me down on my bed, before sitting behind me. Grabbing a hair brush from the dresser, she starts to untangle my hair. "Well you could always play dumb, your grace," she starts to braid. "I mean, not that you're stupid, o-or dumb."

I laugh, "It's okay Tilda, I know what you mean." It takes her a few minutes to braid my hair, before she places a few flowers in certain places. Taking my tiara from its stand, she places it onto my head.

"There, all done," she says proudly, her hands on her hips. "You look absolutely beautiful your grace." I look into the mirror that's placed on my wall, a smile stuck on my face.

"You never fail me Tilda, you did brilliantly." She starts to beam, nodding before excusing herself from my chambers. My smile drops, the worry filling my mind once again. What if Kylo tells my father about the Force? Father will put me on the throne immediately.


I'm not taking over, I don't want to be Queen. I want to travel freely, I want to find someone to spend my life with - not have it all chosen for me. I don't want my only purpose to be popping out an heir, I am so much more, I am my own being.

Father wouldn't be to happy about that though, he might even banish me if he finds out that this is how I feel. Nope, I don't care. He can't do anything to stop me, mother tried to tell my father about me, and look how she ended up. I smirk, thinking about how her life ended... What? You didn't think she died on her own terms now, did you?

Nothing will stand in our way.

I wake up yet again in a sweat, my breathing laboured. "What in the world?"
I look around, finding myself in bed. It was just another dream, wasn't it? No, it was too... Vivid. It was like, it wasn't me having the dream, like it was forced in my head.


Channeling my energy like the night before, I focus on the bond and I'm greeted with a deep chuckle.

"Was that too dark for you Princess?"

"So it was you... Stay out of my head!" I yell, waving my hands around for emphasis.

"Quite hypocritical, don't you think?" He asks, a smirk obvious on his face.

"Uh, yeah, well- I don't put dreams in your head! I only check up on you occasionally!" I try to defend myself.

"A dream? Hera that was a memory."

"A memory? I didn't kill my mother," I whisper. "Her death was an accident."

"That's what they want you to think," He tuts me. "Miss Herana couldn't control her powers and ended up killing mother dearest."

"You're lying," I reply, my voice still a mere whisper. "I'm not a monster."

"We're all monsters Hera."


Kylo's POV

"We're all monster, Hera." Is all I say before I shut off the link. Hera's changed - that's for sure, she's no longer the little girl I remember. I replay the last memory I have with her in my head almost daily, for she will never remember it.

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