Chapter 4 / Harm

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Hera's POV

"What you did was absolutely stupid!" Father starts to yell. "Was anything running through your head the moment you decided to confront him!?" He was furious - that was obvious, but I've come to a point where nothing scares me anymore, not even the King, my father.

I shrug, "The only thing I was thinking was what will be served tonight for dinner, I'm awfully hungry." If that doesn't make him borderline homicidal, I don't know what will.

He storms up to me, his body seething with rage. He raises his hand, as though to strike me - his hand is inches from my face when a gloved hands reaches out, stopping it inches from my cheek. My dads eyes widen, and I simply smirk at him.

"That is no way to treat your own daughter now, is it Lucian?" Kylo growls out , using the force to push my father into his chair. The air rushes in and out of my fathers lungs as he's visibly shaking.

God he's pathetic, I think. Kylo's deep chuckle brings me out of my judgement, and I know that he heard me.

"Y-you don't get to tell me how I run my subjects!" My father wheezes out, fixing the crown upon his unworthy head. Kylo simply walks around the centre table, pushing a chair out for me to sit in, before taking a seat of his own.

I smile at him, always the kiss ass.

"That is true, but this is your daughter, your only heir, not some petty subject." His altered voice always makes me shiver, it's so enticing.

"We are here to discuss business," I start, nodding towards Kylo with gratitude. "Why are you here Mr 'Ren'?"

"Where are your loyalties Lucian?" Wow, right to the chase.

"What do you mean my loyalties?" Father asks, his eyes squinting in confusion.

"Your loyalties," Kylo growls. "Where do you stand with The First Order?"

I sit back in my chair, playing with my nails. I quite enjoy seeing my father squirm under pressure, he never was a good King - It's quite amazing Wairua hasn't fallen to ruin yet.

"M-my loyalties are with the Dark side!" Father blurts out. "Of course I stand with you!"

"And what of Wairua father? Do we all stand with the Dark Side? Don't go protecting your own hide, think of the kingdom you run first perhaps?" I sneer, hating the way my father tries to protect his own ass.

I turn to Kylo, my golden eyes locking with his masked ones. "Wairua stands with the Dark Side," I then look at my fathers green eyes, they're glossed with fear. "We stand with the First Order."

"Very well." Is all Kylo Ren says, before standing up.

"I-is that all? Are you leaving now?" Father asks, still seated.

I link with Kylo, the bond opening immediately. "Don't you dare leave so quickly, I want to see him squirm a little longer."

"That can be arranged." He shuts the link.

"I will be staying in your lands for three days, then I will take my leave."

"V-very well, and what of your troops?" Dad tries to sound strong, key word tries.

"They will seek room in the town."

I squeal a little, "I will ask Tilda to prepare your room, come with me." I motion for him to follow, before my father can say anything. I walk through the hall, finding Tilda immediately, telling her the instructions. She nods and walks off.

I hear the meeting room door shut, before heavy footsteps stop behind me.

"Why do you test your father? Knowing he would harm you immediately?" It's Kylo clearly, sounding as dark as ever.

"I can handle myself, there's nothing he's done that hasn't been done before." Is all I say, shrugging.

He breaths deeply, "He's harmed you before?"

I smile at him. "Yes, but nothing I can't handle. Now come, we have much to discuss." I start walking when he cuts me of, pushing me against a pillar, stopping me in my tracks.

"He's harmed you, and you don't care?!" He seethes, breathing deeply.

I push him off, before continuing to walk. "Like I said, nothing I can't handle. Now take off the mask, I feel as though I'm talking to a brick wall." He's walking beside me immediately, his hands formed into fists.

"I'll kill him."

I chuckle, "Way ahead of you there." He turns to me, his head tilting.

"You would kill your father?"

"You did, so why can't I?"

He stops immediately, looking down.

"Kylo? What ar-"

"You know about that. How?"

I shrug, "Word gets around." He shakes his head, not liking my answer.

"How?" He demands.

I sigh, grabbing his hand and pulling him along to his room, surprisingly he follows. Pushing him into his room, I close the door.

"Tell me."

"Take off the helmet, and I will." I order, hoping he does.

He reaches up to the helmet, before pulling it off. His dark brown eyes greet mine,mane his dark locks push onto his face... Still as handsome as ever.

"Tell me, now." He orders back, his voice still deep, just not altered.

I sit down on his bed, but he stays standing. "The day you did it... Your thoughts were everywhere, and you couldn't control the walls that surrounded your mind... And I guess you opened the link without knowing. I- I saw you do it, I felt your pain and your regret, but I also felt your relief. I'm sorry I snooped, but you were accidentally forcing it into my head... I couldn't concentrate on anything that day because of it."

He nods, believing me. "That makes sense. I'm so-"

"Don't be, you did it by accident," He nods, avoiding my eyes. "Hey, don't feel ashamed, we all have our days I guess."

"I killed my father Herana." He says dryly.

I smile at him, "Like I said, we all have our days."


Hope you enjoyed!

Vote, comment!

And like I said, there's spoilers, so don't be all poopy with me if you didn't know things.

And yes, Hera is on the Dark side, it's all apart of her character.
So don't be poopy with that either.
So anywho, thanks guys.

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