Chapter 12 / Lost

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"Warning that there might be a little trigger warning? I don't really know, but there's a little (very little) talk of abuse. So WARNING MY BEAUTIFUL COSMIC READERS*


Kylo's POV

I wait for Hera in the training room, my arms folded and my eyes narrowed.

She's late for her second lesson.


My mask is off and I'm in my usual training attire, black sweat pants and a black shirt. What did you expect? I try entering Hera's mind to see where she is, but the little princess learnt how to put up a mind block yesterday. I should've taught her that last...

I look at the clock on the wall, seeing that she's indeed 10 minutes late, and I growl out in frustration.

That's it.

I grab my cloak and place it on, before storming out of the training room and head for my quarters. I pass a few troopers on the way, at they stay clear out of my path. Entering my room I'm shocked yet not surprised at what I see.

She's asleep.

The princess is fast asleep on my side of the bed, her hair is a mess and I think I can see a little bit of drool coming from the end of her lips.

She's lucky she can still somehow pull that look off... I think to myself, laughing a little.

I stop laughing when I realise why I came here, and my cold demeanour comes back on show. The note I left her saying that training was at 7 is still placed on the bedside table, untouched.

"Hera, wake up." I growl out, and I'm greeted with nothing but a light snore.

I guess I'm left with no other option.

Using the force, I push her out of bed and onto the floor, the blanket and half the mattress following after.

She awakes immediately, and a weird noise escapes her mouth.

"Any particular reason as to why I'm on the floor? And any reason as to why the mattress has decided to use me a bed?" She says, clearly frustrated.

"You're late for training."

She pushes the mattress off of herself, and stands up slowly. She starts to laugh a little, and this confuses me.

"You pushed me out of bed... Because I was late for something I didn't know about?" She's laughing harder now.

I nod, "Rule Number One, expect the unexpected." Is all I say before turning around and walking out.

"Oh - Okay, I'll see you in 10 minutes then?" She shouts out.

I ignore her and make my way back to the training room.


Hera's POV

I tiptoe into the training room quietly, noticing Kylo has his back towards me. I'm almost behind him when I hook my leg with his, using the advantage to push him into the floor. He falls down, a look of surprise and alert on his face.

I look down at him, a smirk on my face. "Rule Number One, expect the unexpected!" I laugh out, mocking his words from before.

He growls out, and kicks my leg from under me. I fall down as well, but I can't help but laugh more at the fact that's he's simply embarrassed.

We lie on the ground for a few minutes, simply lying in silence, before Kylo stands up and reaches for my hand, pulling me up along with him.

"What are we doing today?" I ask him, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

He glares at me.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Sorry, what are we doing today, 'Master Kylo'?"

He smirks, "Much better."

I roll my eyes at him, and I can't help but think that the whole name thing really is a fetish for him.

"Today, we're doing some combat training." His deep voice reigns out through the small training room.

"Oh, ok-" I'm interrupted by Kylo somehow throwing me on to the nearly rock hard mat. My head hits the mat hard and I breath out loudly, the move coming to me quite surprisingly.

I go to sit up, but I'm pushed down by Kylo's weight. The room turns quiet, and the only thing heard is our loud breathing. I look away from the wall and focus on the brown eyes above me, and he turns away the moment I look. Grabbing my hips he pushes himself off me, pushing himself up.

The room was hot, and I was sweating already. I use the bottom of my singlet to wipe the sweat off of my forehead, and I notice Kylo staring at my exposed stomach.

"Where did you get those scars from Hera?" He breaks the silence, still staring at my stomach.

"Wednesday the 7th, Aged 14. Herana Iris broke father Lucian Iris' crown and he got angry." I shrug at him.

"You broke a petty crown and he cut you for it?" He sneers, obviously fuming.

"No, not he, the guards did it under his orders. It doesn't mean anything Kylo, it's in the past. Anywho, let's get back to training shall we?" I try changing the subject, hoping he'll drop it.

He shakes his head. "You can't just block these things Hera... It may be in the past but it will still affect your future."

I start to get angry. "I'm not blocking anything! I use the anger and hate from my father to fuel my rage, okay?! It's the only way I can use the force properly!"

His eyes widen at my statement. "You use your rage? When did this start?"

"After mother died, it was the only way I could use it... That's bad isn't it?"

"No! Not at all!" He quickly says, shaking his head. "The complete opposite, it's good to use that as the fuel, but if I teach you properly, you can use it whenever. The past will no longer have to be brought up afterwards."

I smile at him, loving his words. "You'll really teach me that? You'll do that for me?"

He walks up to me, pulling me into a sweaty hug.

He rubs my back with his left hand, the other hand slightly gripping my hair in a comforting hug.

"I'd do anything for you Princess."


*Not Edited*

Woo ^-^

Vote, comment, leave me some affection bc currently my head hurts a lot and it's annoying...

Hope this was okay¡

(Also someone asked what my name was? So I'll just presume you mean where it's from? Because it's Irish so yeah woo)

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