Chapter 18 / Timeless

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Hera's POV

I feel tired.

I feel.. Heavy.

I need to open my eyes, I need to move my limbs, I need to breath.

My mind is screaming at me to wake up, I'm screaming at myself to wake up.

It takes every ounce of strength that I have to force my eyes open, and even there it takes a while. At first everything is bright, everything seems white.

Am I dead?


My eyes open in an instant, and my mouth opens immediately, attempting to take in as much air as I can, but all is blocked by a tube. I lift my arm slowly, eventually pulling it out, my airways opening properly. I choke a little, coughing up spit.

My chest heaves and burns as I breath. I wince in pain, looking down to see my chest and left arm is covered by bandages. My skin looks paler than usual, my hair has been pulled back into a bun and I can only imagine what I look like all together.

I look around, seeing that I'm in the infirmary on base. There's no one around, and It appears that I'm the only patient. I pull myself up, resting against the headboard of my bed.

No one around.

"Hello...Nurse?" I speak out, my voice sounding frail. There's no sign of anyone coming, and I huff.

Where's Kylo?

Apart of me was thinking he would be there when I woke, the smarter side knew he would be to busy to do so.

I push myself to the end of the bed, my body slightly quivering as the cold air hits the bare, exposed skin, of my chest, legs and arms.

I'm only wearing a pair of dark shorts, and my upper half is only covered my bandages.

Not my usual attire, that's for sure.

My foot touches the floor, and I use any energy left to pull myself up and on both feet. With shaky legs, I attempt to walk, before shortly falling down onto the cold steel floor beneath me.

I hiss when my body comes in contact with the floor, and I mumble multiple swears in both Wairuan and English. Someone's arms come underneath my own and hoist me up, I'm to lethargic to see who. They put me back onto my bed, before sitting me upright.

"You reopened your wound, princess." The stranger says, frowning as she looks at my chest.

"My eyes," I breath out. "Are up here."

She cracks a smile, "They told me you liked to joke around, now if you don't mind, I'll have to re-stitch your wound."

I nod, letting her take of the bandages that are slightly damp with golden blood.

She lays me down, "Will you want anaesthetic?"

"No, do not bother." She nods before starting to stitch up my chest.

"How long have I been out for?" I mumble, staring up at the steel roof.

"Nearly a month, the wound became infected so in order to reduce pain we put you in a induced coma." She says nonchalantly.

A month?!

My eyes widen immediately, shock seeping into my veins.

"A month! Seriously?"

She nods again, staring at me with a small smile. "Supreme leader wanted you to wake strong and well, so he ordered for you to be induced incase of any complications."

Well what a sweetheart!


"And of Master Ren?" I speak, before wincing slightly as the needle peirces my skin.

She frowns immediately, "He has not been down since the day you arrived."

Since I arrived... He never came and saw me.

"To not even check on me?" I mumble, a little hurt.

"The day he came down was when he ordered the colour of your hair to be changed."

"Changed?!" I seethe, not even caring that she hasn't finished the stitching.

I reach up to my hair, pulling it out of its bun immediately. Blue locks fall down around me, it's dark colour nearly startling me.

He dyed my hair.

What once was white, waist length hair has now changed to a dark, cold blue. It's length stopping just below my breasts.

Wairuan royalty had white hair - it showed their age, their knowledge... Their power.

And it's gone.

All gone, just like that.

The coward couldn't even wait until I was awake.

The nurse in front of me starts to back away, her eyes widening in fear. My breathing has become harsh, and I begin to grind my teeth and clench my fists.

I scream out - the scream itself shatters the glass in the room and shakes the surroundings.

It's sounds dark, like a monster.

I am a monster.


*Not Edited*

P.S, yes she's basically topless while she's having a tantrum (for good reason) Just remember Wairuan's don't care for nudity so it's free the tattas whenever (I kid, I kid.) But yeah, don't leave comments like "omg she's naked!!1!1, or "wtf isn't she shirtless" because the answer will most likely be, yes. Yes she is.


Hey hey hey, now what could that last sentence mean?? Oho.

Sorry for the big ass delay, so enjoy some moody Herana for the night.

No one touches her hair with out permission! Just kidding, that's not why she's angry ah.

Vote, comment and leave me some love.

Hope this was okay!

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