Chapter 14 / Ignite

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Hera's POV

Ever since the kiss, my whole body tingles ever so slightly when I think of Kylo.

Does it he feel the same way?

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened yesterday, and I haven't seen Kylo since the kiss either.

"You done thinking about the Commander yet, Princess?" A storm trooper asked me. He told me his name was LO865, so I named him Leo, and he didn't seem to mind at all.

Come to think of it, all the troopers I've become friends with - I've changed their names. Obviously by others they still go by their code, but I prefer to name them something normal, not like they're objects.

"I'm thinking about food, actually." I reply.

"Well, the mess hall is up ahead if you're hungry." Leo adds. "Care to join the squadron for some lunch?"

"I'd love too." I reply again, grabbing the bottom of my long, black dress as we walk. Leo showed me where his squadron sit, and we both grab our food before sitting down.

5 troopers sit down with us shortly after, their expressions all the same as they somewhat stare at me. I raise my eyebrow at them, hating how I know they're judging.

"Would you 5 care to take off the masks now?" I ask, knowing they'll have to do it sooner or later.

They all shake their head.

"Come on guys, she's cool." Leo says, looking at his friends in confusion.

"This is the bitćh that threw JI098 against a wall back on that planet, and you're calling her cool?" One of them sneers.

I tense immediately, forgetting all about the ordeal back on Wairua.

"Well perhaps if you all left my people alone, this bitćh wouldn't of thrown your friend against a wall." I sneer back, getting angry.

"They deserved it! They all deserved it!" He yells, standing up.

I stand up too, myself fuming. "You were treating my people like mere dirt you quim!" I shout. "Now I won't ask again... Take off your masks!"

The trooper moves slowly, his face creeping slowly towards my own. "Your people deserved everything they got... They all deser-"

I cut him off by leaping over the table, tackling him to the floor. I don't know what's come over me, but I can't control it. And the worse thing, I'm enjoying it.

He tries pushing me off, but I use the force to keep his hands by his side. I grip his helmet in my hands and yank it off of his head, before smashing it with my hands before his eyes.

A crowd had surrounded us, but none dare stop me.

"When I ask you to do something..." I growl out, feeling my eyes beginning to glow. "You will do as I say, you will do as you're told and you will not defy me."

His eyes widen and I grab his throat, using a tight hold.

"Insult me all you wish, but insult my home and my family and I won't hesitate to break your skull against a table."

My hold tightens, just as another powerful aura enters the room.

Kylo enters the crowd, and the troopers all stand out of the way for him. I expect him to stop me, to attempt to talk me out of it. But he doesn't, and he merely stands there watching.

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