Chapter 19 / Epilogue

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Kylo's POV

A shrill scream emits through the air, the ground vibrating under my feet. Everyone in the room stops, some holding onto tables for support.  It's eery, like a banshee has somehow made its way onto the ship.

My mind instantly falls to Herana, her delicate body laying ill in the infirmary. I don't hesitate, running towards the infirmary as quick as my suit allows me. A few troopers follow after me, ready to battle if needed.

The wailing becomes louder the closer we get, and I watch as several nurses run past us, their faces pale and full of fear. I pull my saber from its holder, igniting it as I reach the infirmary door. 

The door quickly opens, and my eyes widen with the sight I'm greeted with.


Herana's POV

I'm not sure how long I was screaming for. Enough for the nurses to run away I guess.

But I was mad.

No. I was beyond mad. I was seething. I was out for blood. Speaking of blood, blotches  started forming under my clenched fists, my nails digging into my skin with the force of my strength.  My skin felt clammy. My mind was going haywire.

Glass littered the ground and the walls seemed to shake under the pressure of my scream.

Well, can you really call it a scream?

I've never emitted something so strong from within myself. The Force itself felt like nothing compared to what I am feeling inside my soul.

My mind starts to feel heavy, and I know the cause of it.

I feel him before I see him. I see the glow of his red Lightsaber from behind the glass door.

It opens, and I'm greeted with the fully cloaked figure of Kylo Ren himself.

And for once in my life, I'm not happy to see him.


*Not Edited*

Well yeah, uh... How's it going guys?
Please note that this IS only a PART 1. So yes it is short.


Honestly, I don't feel that I have a good enough excuse for my long hiatus.

But, let me break it down for you, I was hospitalised for a few months, missed out on a shit load of school and lost a close family member during all of this.

My main focus last year was to get back on track with my education and my two part time jobs. One of which I have now quit (thank god).

I have a serious and rare blood disorder (ITP for those who are curious, feel free to comment if you'd like for me to go deeper on it) and this has been apart of my life for the past 10 years. 2016 was the absolute worst year for me medically wise as I ended up in hospital at different times during the year.

I'm on a lot of medication. Medication for which affects me BADLY. But hey, that's kinda better than dying imo.  It has and is affecting my mental health as well and honestly trying to focus on assignments is bloody hard enough let alone trying to write a story for 100,000 + readers.

But for that, I am so freaking sorry guys :(

I appreciate all and every single lovely comment and messages I have received during this long hiatus! ❤️

But, as expected, I have received a shit load of abusive messages. Quite a lot of threats and just down right mean people who believe messaging me, 'yelling' (if you can really say caps mean yelling) that I'm a absolutely horrible person who should feel ashamed for being awhile for so long. As I somewhat agree, the level some hateful people went to to put me down and name call, insult my story, as well as COMMENTING ON MY INSTAGRAM abusing me Is. Just. Not. On.
So for those people, go fuck yourself. Stop reading my story, I don't care.

BUT for those who were absolutely amazing, beautiful and downright lovely,


Thank you so much for everything and understanding. I'm going to try and update when I can, hopefully not being 9 months from now.

Please be patient, as I've said, my education and health will and ALWAYS will come first.

So with that,

Leave me some love, Vote & Comment if you'd like ❤️

I am so sorry once again everyone.

Hope this very, very small chapter is deemed okay. It's only preparing for what's to come :))))

With love,

Chaotic ➳ Kylo Ren Where stories live. Discover now