Chapter 8 / Wreckage

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Hera's POV

Do you ever get that weird feeling deep down in your gut that's something going to go wrong? That whatever now is currently grand and normal, but you just feel that it's not going to last?

Well that's me right now.

There are a million thoughts running through my head, and sadly, their all my own. Kylo once again has gone awol towards me, ignoring me, and most of all, blocking me from his mind.

There's something he doesn't want me to know.

And I feel that whatever he's blocking from me is the reason this feeling of dread won't leave me. Father, surprisingly has been nice to me however. Talking to me like I'm his equal, and he's offering me material things he knows I don't need.

I don't like this.

I'm sitting down by the willow tree with one of my fathers advisors. Well, he's my friend before he's an advisor. He's not from Waruia, his skin is a deep teal and his eyes change colour depending on his mood, he's simply beautiful. I don't know the name of his race as he refuses to tell me, as it's a touchy subject for him, and I'm not going to push him any further.

His name too is quite hard to pronounce, so everyone calls him Corwin. When it comes down to who I trust on this planet, it's Tilda and Corwin, and I'm quite happy about that.

"Somethings going to happen Corwin, I can feel it." I break the comforting silence, gazing over the flower fields. He turns to stare at me, his dark green eyes turning pale.

"What do you think it is Princess? Do we tell the guard?" He's worried, that much is obvious.

I shake my head, "And say what? That the princess feels something is wrong? Father wouldn't believe me for a second... Do you believe me?"

He nods, "Of course, I know that when you feel that something is wrong, something is most likely wrong."

"I hate this feeling, I hate feeling weak, as though I can't help out at all." I mumble, resting my head on Corwin's shoulder.

"In time princess, when something is wrong, you'll know what to do," he smiles, his fangs flashing. "And besides, I've seen you fight, you can protect yourself."

"It's not me I'm worried about... It's Wairua. We're only a small planet, we're strong physically, but are we mentally? Are we ready for what's to come?" I whisper, my eyes slightly clouding over.

"What's to come princess? What is our future?"

"I don't think we have a future."


Kylo's POV

I feel the dread.

I feel the worry through her mind, through her blood, through her body.

She feels it too, and it makes me mad knowing that I myself don't know what is going to happen.

I think it's the light, I feel it constantly, trying to pry it's way into my mind. Does she feel it? Does she sense it?

Forgive me Supreme Leader...

I'm trying to find Hera, but she's nowhere in the palace. We're leaving immediately, and I'm taking her with me. She better not have changed her mind about coming with me, because I will take her willingly or not.

But where is she? Since I've put the block in my mind, I can't feel her presence. It's both a perk and a curse of a mental block, knowing exactly where someone is and what they're thinking, but when you're trying to concentrate, it's quite hard to do just that... Concentrate.

Two Wairuan guardsmen walk my way, and they tense up immediately when they see me. They turn around, but they stop when I speak.

"Do not walk away from me, cowards."

Guard number one gulps, before turning back around. "S-Sorry sir, we are just ah, we are trying to find the whereabouts of the princess." He blurts out, holding his weapon close to him.

I tilt my head, my mask making it feel weird to do so however.

"Interesting, and why are you looking for the Princess?"

"Uhhh..." They both seem to say in unison.

I roll my eyes, using the force I push them both against the wall. "One of you, pathetic excuses of flesh, will tell me why you are looking for the Princess, or I will kill one of you, maybe both... I'm feeling quite bored."

The struggle for breath, clawing at the invisible force around their throats.

"W-were-" One starts, I growl out again, letting go.


"The King wants her so he can discuss her coronation and the wedding!" Guard two shouts out, his eyes immediately opening as he speaks.

"Wedding? What wedding." I push, leaning down towards the two.

"The K-King is marrying the princess off to some other King! I don't know who but I know he has b-been married before..."

"And what of the previous queen?"

"She disappear-" He's cut off when a large blast of heat and force is blasted through the wall, sending myself and the two guards flying into the wall. I stand up with a grunt, finding guard two dead and guard one in tears over his dying friend. Pity.

I look at my surroundings, seeing large pieces of rubble that was once the palace walls everywhere. I run over to the large hole in the wall, looking out into the dark. I hear screams, I hear fighting and there's machines shooting from the skies.

I call for the troopers, and they're quickly behind me as we march outside the palace into the battle ground that was once the Royal garden. Men, troopers and some sort of beings are all fighting. My men and Wairua's guards fight, but it's to hard to see who is winning.

I can't risk this.

Where is Herana!?

"Find the princess! Find her!" I order, grabbing my lightsaber from my belt and entering the fight.

The last thing I remember is the large, blood red creature coming from the darkness.


*Not Edited*

Sorry I didn't upload last night! It was New Years Eve and I was celebrating the end to a crappy year with my family!

Anywho, hope this is noice.

Here's to 2016!

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