Chapter 9 / Chaos

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Hera's POV


Everywhere was in complete chaos. The town was... Gone. The palace was almost unrecognisable. Houses were stripped bare of its structure that were once a families life and were burning to the ground. The heat was unbearable, the smoke was thick and my heart was pumping to the beat of the cannons.

I sit in front of what was once the Royal gardens. What once was green is now dead, everything was dead. My legs are crossed and my white hair and pale skin is now coated in red and blue blood.

Oh Corwin, I'm so sorry old friend.


Screams erupt from the town, startling Corwin and myself. We stand up immediately, just as we are thrown through the air by a heated force. I'm thrown against the willow tree, as Corwin is quick to stand, grabbing his weapon from his holster.

Why do advisors have weapons again?

He reaches over, seeing if I'm okay. I nod at him, and quickly come to terms with what's happening.

"We're under attack!" Corwin yells over the screams, pushing me behind him. I move away from him, trying to enter Kylo's mind to see if he knows anything about what's happening. I'm greeted with the block... Just great!

I stand away from Corwin, trying to get a good look in who we are dealing with. I catch glimpses of the attackers, my eyes widening when I discover who they are.

"Mandalorians!" I shout. "They're headed for the town!" I start running towards town when Corwin pulls me back, I stop and look at him in confusion.

"I can't let you go there Princess, I'm sorry." He says, staring at me with sorrow.

"We have to help them! We can't just let them defend themselves!" I scream at him, angry that he tries to refuse me the right of depending my people.

"I can't let you get hurt Princess, it will be suicide." His current red eyes stare at mine with sympathy. His shirt is ripped, exposing his blue and teal coloured scales. Blue blood seeps from small wounds from the explosion.

"That's not your decision to make, Corwin."

"Forgive me Princess." He whispers, raising his hand.

"What are yo-" I'm cut off when he pricks my with his sharp nail, a green coloured liquid seeping from the tip. I stare at him with wide eyes, feeling them immediately cloud over as my mind goes blank.

So that's why he wore gloves constantly.

My whole body shuts off, and my unconscious form falls into his arms.


I wake up groggily, my muscles aching and my head running a mile a minute. I try to sit up, but find myself under two men.


They're dead.

I push them off, quickly standing to attention. The willow tree is burned to the crisp, it's branches falling off as we speak. I turn around, looking for Corwin, Kylo or Tilda, but I can't see any of them. I'm about to yell out Corwin's name when I spot blue scales peaking out from under a pillar. I run over to it, using the force to push the pillar off of Corwin's legs.

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