Chapter 16 / Hail

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Kylo's POV

I stare at Hera in shock, seeing her in full armour.

She looks powerful.

Strong in every way...

She spreads her arms wide, "Surprise Kylo Ben!"

I frown immediately, "Don't call me that, Herana."

"I was only," she takes of her helmet. "Kidding, wow this things heavy..."

"You'll get use to it, believe me." I admit, taking a seat on the bed again.

She places her helmet on the table, and pulls of her cloak. She comes over and sits next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I looked stupid, didn't I?" She mumbles, frowning a little.

"Not at all, you looked... Powerful."

Her head perks up. "Really? I guess I'll wear it more often," She nudges me with her elbow, "I'll go and out reign you huh?"

She's kidding, but I can't help but have second thoughts to her little... Joke.

There's more to that.

"Kylo? You there?" She's waving her hand in front of my face.

I clear my throat. "Yes, I was merely thinking about something."

"Oh? Like what?"

I can't let her know what I was actually thinking, so I come up with a little white lie.

"I was thinking about us, what we uh, are?"

"Was that a statement or an actual question Kylo..." She asks, tilting her head.

"A question... What do you want us to be?"

"Well, it's obvious we have an attraction to each other... But do you feel more to that?" She moves her hand to my head, and her finger starts tracing patterns on my temple. "Do you feel anything in here?"

I feel everything.

"I feel something, yes." Dammit, way to sound into it.

"Oh well, that's good..." She mumbles.

Is this what awkward feels like? She's feeling awkward, I can sense it.

A knock at the door interrupts us.

"It's open!" Hera shouts, standing up.

General Hux enters the room, nuisance.

He nods towards Hera and myself, standing still and proper.

"Supreme leader wishes to speak with the Princess."

We both nod, and start walking to the door. Hux stops me immediately, giving me a stern look.


I give Hera a look, and she smiles at me.

"I'll be fine," She turns to Hux. "Will you show me the way, General?"

He nods immediately, and as Hera walks ahead he turns around and smirks, the door shutting behind them as they leave.

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