Chapter 17 / Puppet

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Guess whose back and better than ever,

It's yo' girl B,

Lets go.


Also a slight trigger warning for abuse and what not, so be warned my Beautiful Cosmic Readers.


Hera's POV

Falls through.

Falls through...

Kylo will never fall through, and I'll never replace him. Supreme Leader Snoke's voice has stayed in my head since the 'meeting' two weeks ago, and I can't help but have second thoughts to his words.

Kylo himself is on a raid of some sorts with others and he's been gone a week.

I wanted to go and I wanted to fight, but apparently I'm not ready in the eyes of 'Master' Kylo. I think in his eyes I'll never be ready... But I know that I am, and Supreme Leader has asked for Captain Phasma to take me with her to the planet Tatooine, where we will deal with apparent Resistance fighters.

I'm currently seated in a ship with Phasma and her squadron, we're all wearing our armour and we're all armed. Kylo, surprisingly, left his Lightsaber in its holder in our bedroom, so I may or may not have borrowed it.

I always 'borrow' his things come to think of it...

Kylo's taught me very little when it comes to Lightsabers, but I know how to fight with one. He doesn't know it, but I practised with a Lightsabers back home on Wairua when I was younger. I thought that when I grew up that I would have to become a Jedi, and that I would have to learn how to use one. But then Kylo left me and my father found my saber, thus having it removed from my hands.

It feels right to hold one, even though it does not belong to me. Phasma looks at the Lightsaber on my belt, her helmet tilting as though she's looking at me in confusion.

"Kylo left it behind, so I thought I should use it." My altered voice reigns out, and she nods in understanding.

We arrive soon after, and the door opens, revealing the night. Phasma orders her squad out, and they start running towards what looks like a village. I soon follow, but stop when I see my surroundings.


I've never been to another planet before.

It's different from Wairua, that's for sure.

I imagined it to be covered in grass like my home, but all I see is sand.

How... Different.

I kick the sand under my feet, watching it simply shift into a small pile.

"You have not seen sand before?" A voice startles me from my mindful play.

I look up to see a storm trooper staring at me, Leo.

"No, not ever. Is it always like this?" I say, kicking some more.

He nods, "It's nothing amazing."

I nod too, before staring at him.

"Aren't you suppose to be with your squadron?"

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