Frightful Night

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Draco's P.O.V

"You know, we're alone now." I whispered to Harry. I moved so I was on top of him.

"Oh am I gonna get a present?" He whispered.

"Oh yes." I whispered. I started to kiss his neck and then as I went to his collar bone, a blue light shone in our dark room. We both jumped and looked at it. It was a patronus from Scorpius and he said that Albus was being rushed to the hospital and someone needed to watch Salem. Harry and I jumped into action and we quickly threw on clothes jumping into the floo. We floo to their house and found them in the bedroom

"Thank Merlin." Scorpius mumbled. He picked up Albus who seemed to be wincing after every movement. We didn't bother asking question.

"Go." I said and he nodded. He rushed passed us and then into the floo.

"What do you think is wrong?" Harry croaked. I looked at him and then hugged him tightly. "I don't know." I whispered.

"Daddy?" We heard and then turned around.

"Hi sweetheart." I said and walked over to the little six year old. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep." He mumbled. "Where are dada and daddy?" He asked.

"They went out for a little." Harry said. "Come on baby, let's go get some warm milk and we'll read you a bedtime story." He picked the sleepy boy and we walked into the kitchen. Harry placed him on the counter as I got some milk.

"Do you think Hattie is having a good time?" He asked and Harry nodded. "I wanna go." He pouted.

"Just five more years little man and then you'll be able to be with the others."

"Will I make friends?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Plus you have your cousin Molly to go with." He said. James had a baby girl when Albus had Salem. "And you know poppop and I were mortal enemies until we turned fifteen." Harry said and I smiled. Salem gasped and I handed him the milk.

"Why were you enemies?" He asked.

"Because poppop here is a prat." Harry said and I snorted.

"Don't listen to granddad." I hissed playfully. "He was a prat just as much as me." I defended.

"What's a prat?" Salem asked and I sighed.

"Maybe we shouldn't repeat that word when daddy and dada come home." Harry said. We talked a little more until Salem grew tired again. "Come let's get you tucked back in." Harry picked him up and we walked back to his room. We tucked him in and then read him a bedtime story. Goodnight Moon. He slowly fell asleep; we kissed his forehead and went into the living room.

"Do you think Albus is okay?" Harry asked putting his head in my lap.

"I'm sure him and the baby are okay." I said and placed my hand in his hair. We both started to drift off when someone came through the floo and we jumped up. Scorpius was a mess and he was crying.

"What happened?" I asked hugging him tightly.

"H-he lost t-the baby." He cried and I cursed.

"Scorpius we're so sorry." I rubbed his back and he let out a sob.

"H-he also w-went into shock." He cried. "T-they can't wake him up."

"What?" Harry asked.

"A-Albie." He sniffled and then took a deep breath. "He went into shock from the blood loss and he's unconscious."

"What about blood replenishers?"

"They gave him some." He explained. "But his body was shutting down from the m-miscarriage." He started crying hard and buried his face into my chest. I was rubbing his back trying to get him comfortable. Harry was on the brink of tears so we joined each other in a hug. We stayed like that until Scorpius pulled away. "I-I'm gonna go back, please don't mention any of this to Salem. Not until I get home at least." He said and we nodded. Harry looked at me and I knew he wanted to go.

"Go ahead, I'll hold down the fort." I said and he smiled. He kissed me and then went into the floo with Scorpius.

Harry's P.O.V

We floo to the hospital and Scorpius brought me to the intensive care unit.

"He's right in here." Scorpius said and we walked into a room. He had a muggle breathing device on and he looked really pale. "He looks so bad." Scorpius started sniffling.

"Hey, he'll be okay." I squeezed his shoulder. "I'm gonna ask one of the healers what's going on." I said and he nodded. I walked back out and went to the desk.

"Excuse me, I was wondering who the healer is that is dealing with my son Albus Malfoy." I said and she nodded.

"Healer Twist, what do you need her for?"

"I would like to know about my son's condition."

"Okay I'll notify her." She said and contacted her. She walked out and spotted me.

"Mister Potter, I am Healer Twist." She said and we shook hands.

"So what's the story with my son?"

"Before he passed out, he said he was having discomfort all day." She explained. "And then he just suddenly started to seize so we got him to stop. His body had aborted the pregnancy and it was having a rough time actually getting rid of it, hence the discomfort. When it finally got to the stage, blood was just flowing out. It's rare but it can happen. So he lost a lot of blood and then he went unconscious."

"Will he wake up?" I asked and she sighed.

"It's hard to tell. We pumped him with replenishers and we thought that would do it,

but it didn't. The diagnostic spells aren't showing anything so we're waiting for something to happen."

"Well maybe his body is just recovering from the trauma." I suggested and she nodded.

"That could very well be the case." She said.

"And the breathing device?"

"His breathing wasn't too good so we placed that on his so he doesn't stop breathing or go into shock again."

"Okay." I said. "Thank you." I nodded and walked away. I walked back into the room and Scorpius had his head curled up on Albus' chest.

"They said there's a chance he'll wake up."

"And if doesn't?" Scorpius asked. "I can't go on without him."

"I know."

"He's been my best friend since I was eleven, he's been my one and only since we were

twelve. I can't just move on."

"No one is asking you to."
"I can't raise children on my own." He choked back a sob. "It's all my fault. I didn't use a

condom but I thought since he was already pregnant twice, he couldn't get pregnant again. I'm so stupid." He growled and then buried his face into bed. "I'm so sorry Albus." He cried. "So sorry." He mumbled.

"Scorpius, I think you need to sleep."

"No please, I can't leave him." He said and I sighed. Looking around and noticed no one was paying attention, I conjured the bed to be bigger. He instantly crawled onto the bed and cuddled with the unconscious man.

"Okay." I said. "Get some rest, I'll be here." 

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