Better Or Worse

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Albus' P.O.V

            Scorpius came home and he was so surprised to see my newly groomed face.

                "You look... beautiful!" He chirped and kissed my lips.

                "Thanks babe." I said and he took a seat next to me. I was enjoying a cup of tea because I was feeling a little better. Draco was cooking dinner and papa was playing with Salem in the family room. Scorpius looked at me and smiled.

                "How ya feeling?" He asked and I shrugged.

                "Better I guess."

                "You guess?" He frowned.

                "It's kind of hard to describe. I feel better but there's still a pain in my heart." I told him and he nodded.

                "I know." He sighed and then crawled on to my lap. "How can I help?" He asked and I just shook my head.

                "I dunno." I buried my face into his chest and started to play with the sleeve hems. "Maybe I should go see someone?"

                "Like a healer?" He asked and I nodded against his chest.  "And say what?"

                "Maybe I'm too weak to deal with this alone."

                "Albus Severus you are named after two of the greatest headmasters Hogwarts has ever seen, and one of them bravest man I knew." He said and I laughed. I looked up at him and he smirked. "I remember your father said that to you on the platform our first day of our first year. I overheard it."

                "I used greatest!" Papa yelled from the other room.

                "This is more fitting!" Scorpius yelled back and I laughed. He smiled and kissed my nose.  "I love when you laugh."

                "I love when you make me laugh."

                "Oh then in that case." He said and lifted his fingers. He tickled my sides and I laughed so hard I was gasping for air. We both landed on ground and he was straddling my waist. Draco just looked down at us smiling.

                "Having fun?" He asked and we nodded. "Well I need to use the bathroom so if you don't mind watching the food that would be great." He told us and we nodded. He walked away and Scorpius got a devilish smirk on his face. He leaned down and grasped my lips with his. I didn't remember him kissing me since everything happened. I pushed my lips against his and we started to work in sync.  I intertwined my fingers in his hair and he swiped his tongue on my lip. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue inside. I didn't both fighting for dominance; I just let him take over. I moaned in his mouth and I felt him smirk. We slowly pulled away and his face was flushed. He smiled widely and kissed me once more.

                "I love you Albus." He told me. "So much."
                 "I love you more." I whispered. He got off of me and helped me up. Draco walked back into the room and raised an eyebrow at our flushed face. He sighed rolling his eyes.

                "Um dinner is almost ready so you could wash up and tell Harry and Salem." He told us and we nodded. We walked hand in hand to the living room and Salem was on my father's lap as they were playing with some muggle toy cars.

                "Draco says dinner is almost ready so you should get washed up." I said and they nodded.

                "Come on Salem, let's get washed up." Papa said and Salem hopped off of him. He ran into my arms and hugged.

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now