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Draco's P.O.V

Harry looked sickly. Like really sickly and I was starting to worry. Not that I wasn't worried before but he looked like...death.

"Harry, try eating something." I urged. He had another one of those treatments and I don't think it was agreeing with him very well.

"Not hungry." He mumbled and I sighed putting my hand to his head.

"Come on love, you've lost a lot of weight since receiving these treatments." I said and he promptly turned over to throw up in the trash can I placed next to the bed. I rubbed his back and then pet his hair as he emptied his stomach. He came back up and wiped his mouth. I let go of his hair and some strands came out. I tried to toss it but Harry saw and then looked up at me.

"Tell me Draco, what does my hair look like?" He asked and I bit my lip. His hair was shorter than normal and in patches in certain places.


"I know what it looks like Draco, I've seen a mirror. How do you think my hair looks?" He asked and I looked at him.

"It's better than it was when we were in school." I answered and when his lips curled into a smile, I let out a breath.

"Why are you scared love?" He asked and leaned into me. I was honestly afraid of him snapping. He had become quite snappy with me. When I didn't answer he sighed. "You think I'm going to yell at you."
"I'm just worried Harry. You don't look well."

"I don't feel well." He admitted and it broke my heart. For him to say that out loud, he must have been feeling terrible.

"Harry, do you want to go the hospital?" I asked and he shook his head. "It might help, they can probably do something." He stayed silent so I placed him on the pillow.


"Yes love?"

"Do you think I'm gonna die?" He asked and my heart throbbed.

"Do you?" I managed to choke out. His eyes filled with tears and he looked up at me.

"Yes." He said and my heart shattered. I nodded and then tears started to pour from my eyes. "I mean before everything, I told the kids I wasn't dying but I can barely move Draco." He blinked back the tears.

"I know." I cried.

"It's a bigger deal than I thought it was." He told me and I nodded. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to get the tears to stop.

"H-harry, you need to answer me something." I said.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to stop fighting?" I asked. My eyes were still closed so when I opened them, he was staring up at me. He lifted his hand and shakily wiped away my tears.

"I will stop fighting when you stop loving me." He said and I grabbed his hand. I started crying really hard and kissed his wrist. "I'm going to fight this, whatever this is Draco." He said. "We'll get through this and if worst comes to worst where I do die, I want you to promise me something."


"Promise me that if I am to die, you will move on, I'm not saying you need to marry someone else but move on."

"I can't promise that Harry, I love you, I love you so much. We've been through so much together I can't forget that."

"I'm not asking you to forget everything cuddly bear." He said and I let out a sob. My old nickname. "I am asking you to move on if something bad were to happen to me. If I'm going to die, do not just wither away here in depression. I want you to be happy and raise the family we've built together. Promise me that." He said and I swallowed hard.

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