Epilogue-The Ending

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Five Years Later

Third Person P.O.V

The family waited patiently at the Malfoy residence to hear from Salem who was at Hogwarts and going to be sorted. Albus stuck by his word and thought his little boy would be a Slytherin. Scorpius was definite he'd be a Ravenclaw. Harry took Scorpius' side as Draco obviously took Albus'. As Draco and Harry helped prepare dinner, Scorpius chatted with them.

"I'm gonna get you Pam!" Albus shouted after a giggly five year old. They had adopted the little girl after all. Albus had a psych evaluation and the couple was happy to announce he was mentally ready for the baby. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. Her smile was a lot like her mother's who opted out of an open adoption. She said she knew her baby was going to a good home and didn't need to worry.

"Ah Tad help!" Pam giggled running behind her brother who was four. Albus had gotten pregnant again even after using protection, much to their luck, but this time they took precautions. Various healers created a potion to grow the baby to term even after a few months. He held the baby boy for five months and delivered, naturally, as the baby was fully developed. He looked like Harriet. His eyes were blue and had black hair. However, Harriet's eyes were very vibrant and an icy blue. His eyes were duller and an ocean blue.

"Dada!" Tad giggled as Albus caught up to them hugging them tightly.

"I love you my babies." Albus kissed both of their cheeks.

"Love you too dada." They cooed and kissed his cheek.

"Alright wash up." Scorpius announced wrapping his arms around his husband.

"Alright daddy." The two trotted away and Albus hugged Scorpius.

"We're really lucky." He whispered and Scorpius hummed in agreement.

"I know." He whispered. "So very lucky."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Scorpius kissed his lips and then Draco walked into the room.

"Dinner is ready." He announced holding Tad who was giggling.

"Daddy and dada are kissing again." He squealed and Scorpius laughed taking his son from his father.

"It's because I love your dada so much." He cooed and walked out. Albus followed behind smiling as did Draco. They all settled around the table. The two little kids sat in between Albus. Scorpius took the head of the table and Harry sat with Draco across the table. They lifted their goblets.

"A toast to Salem hopefully he gets into the house of his choice!" Scorpius announced and they all cheered. They took a swig of their drinks. Albus put food on his children's plate and then ate his own Turkey leg. The family was happy, happier than they were five years prior. Everything was settled and even though things were not always okay, they'd be okay in the end. There was a pecking at the window and Scorpius jumped out.

"That should be Salem." Albus grinned.

"Dada, are we gonna get to go to Hogwarts?" Tad asked and Albus laughed.

"Hopefully love, hopefully."

"He's definitely gonna be a Gryffindor." Harry mumbled and Draco laughed.

"Knowing us, probably." Scorpius walked back into the room and stood at the head. He began reading the letter aloud.

Dear family,

I think Hogwarts is so cool! So much better than the description you all gave me. Ebony, Phoenix and Harriet let me stay in their compartment going. I met a few new first years and there is this really pretty girl in my house who is my age! Your professors say hello! I love it here!

Alright I bet you want to know my house, I'm in Slytherin! Aunt Ebony and Uncle Phoenix were so happy for me and I am so excited! And Cousin Molly is in Gryffindor! I love you all and will keep you posted.

Love Salem!

"Ha ha!" Draco laughed hi fiving Albus. "We won!"

"No you guys got dishes." Albus teased and Scorpius pouted.

"Fine but no dessert." He winked and Albus gasped.

"Scorp!" He scolded and that got a giggled from his kids even if they didn't know what the joke meant.

"Sorry love." Scorpius smiled. They were happy again and it showed. Five years really made a difference. Draco and Harry shared a look. It was hard for them too. It wasn't that they were having marital problems but they hated seeing their children struggle in their own marriage. Five years later, they've come along way. Practically back to normal. They shared a look of affection and in that moment they knew all their hard work and hardships had paid off. They mouthed an 'I Love You' to each other, much like before everything started. Their lives were completed after 20 years and after everything life had thrown at them, they were finally okay.

A/N- Well that's it! Sorry it's so short but it was the squeal... hopefully you've enjoyed this mini series as much as I loved writing about them. Thank you so much for your support love you xox

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